Help make beds for Homeless Night Shelter

Having somewhere to sleep this Winter!

The St Pancras and Somers Town Living Centre
2 Ossulston Street
Date and time
18:45 - 20:30
Wednesday, 22nd of February 2023
Who this task will support

We’re heading to the American International Church's cold weather shelter.

Now, more than ever, they need your help! The shelter will be open every Wednesday night from November through March, and will be following their typical pattern of dinner, overnight and a light breakfast, all while offering their usual warmth and hospitality. That's a lot of meals to be prepped, duvets to be stuffed and dishes to be cleaned.

We'll be helping to make the beds (up to 18). We'll be popping back regularly this winter to help contribute to keeping people warm and fed through an increasingly difficult winter.

Group Run will meet at 6:45 outside The Living Centre we’ll aim to leave off 6:55pm.

Bags can be left at The Living Centre NW1 1DF and you can change there.

If you'd like to go to direct to the task please meet us outside the American International Church 79a Tottenham Ct Rd, London, W1T 4TD. We should arrive around 7:05/10

Who's going

  • Emily
  • Katriona Goldmann
  • Tamara Briseno
  • Caitlin Rollison
  • Priyen Shah
  • Priya Goodwin
  • Islington runner
  • Natasha Kaye
  • Pete Hutchings


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New to GoodGym?

This is a GoodGym group run, where we run to help a local community organisation and then run back.

New GoodGymers are welcome to GoodGym group runs - no one gets left behind. You're unlikely to be alone, hundreds of new people sign up every week.

Find out more

The St Pancras and Somers Town Living Centre
2 Ossulston Street
Date and time
18:45 - 20:30
Wednesday, 22nd of February 2023
Who this task will support

Sign up by 6:00pm on Wednesday 22nd February so we can let Pete know who to expect.


You will be able to join a group walking to the task if you'd prefer not to run.

Options are available to run between 2km and 4km in total

Remember that we run/walk to and from the task, so you'll only be running/walking for half this distance in one go.

This is a standard GoodGym group run. If you're worried about any aspect of the session, contact us.

Ideal for beginners

The St Pancras and Somers Town Living Centre
2 Ossulston Street

There's space to change and leave bags and toilets. We're not planning to do anything purposefully dangerous, but GoodGym takes no responsibility for your safety during group runs, you participate at your own risk. Participants accept full responsibility for items stored at The St Pancras and Somers Town Living Centre, and The St Pancras and Somers Town Living Centre and GoodGym will not be held liable for any losses or damages.

Pete Hutchings
Led by Pete Hutchings

GoodGym Camden runner

What to look out for

Age Restriction

GoodGym welcomes anyone aged 18 or over. If you are under 18 then you will be unable to participate in any GoodGym activity

Make sure you've read our general guidelines for safety when running and at a task.

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