Saturday 18th November 2023
Report written by Rachel White
Lovely morning spent with Gloria and Peter from FoLaR in Latchmere Recreation Centre. Julie and Rachel were asked to help move two big bags of bark to new saplings that were planted by GoodGym a year ago.
We first cleared the dead stems and the couch grass and then turned over the soil carefully watched by Julie's two adorable pups. They had a great vantage point by standing on the two big bags of bark. Adorable!
We eventually persuaded them to move and poured the new wood chip round the saplings. A tree-mendous transformation!
We also popped by the planter that we moved a few weeks ago on our group run - well positioned and the rosemary was thriving much to our delight.
Kingston upon Thames
Let's get this not-for-profit outdoor centre shipshape