Monday 15th August 2022
Report written by Kim
On what was shaping up to be a very very hot and humid evening we gathered outside Glass Mill ready to tackle the longer run over to Goldsmiths Community Centre to continue tackling the overgrown weeds.
There was a variety of tasks to get stuck into including clearing the overgrown weeds, cutting back brambles, litterpicking and putting all the green waste in the compost piles.
Everyone got stuck in and time flew by, we always have slightly shorter time at the task because it's a longer run but that doesn't stop us!
Tools returned to the tool shed and an apple picked for the journey home, we began the slightly more downhill journey home. To our surprise (and disappointment) we had missed the rain but did get to see some spectacular lightening. We certainly made the most of the cooler post-rain weather on the way home.
Fantastic work tonight everyone - we've started laying the foundations for the new Youth Club that's going to be using the space.
Do good in our wonderful borough