GoodGym got 5 on it

5 Goodgymers helped their local community in Croydon
Andy Bates
Helen Standing
Ingrid Buchanan
1 / 12

Tuesday 30th October 2018









Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Conroy

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The clocks have gone back, the evenings are getting darker earlier and the cold is upon us, that did not stop a handful (5) of runners turning up to tonight's group run. Although small it was quite rewarding being able to do our head count tonight where I was able to say everyones name without mixing them up with someone else. Headcount out the way and warm up completed we headed towards Thornton Heath via West Croydon to the allotments to help our friends over at Unique Roots, where we were met by the ever bubbly and grateful Pam. Each time we visit the allotment we get to see what we have done in the past and how our runs there has made a difference to Pam and her service users.

Tonight's task was to help clear the mountain of dirt that Pam had began working on over the weekend to make a path for the wheel chairs users, and make the allotment more accessible. Pam had made a great start , she informed us that if we were unable to clear all the dirt she would be grateful for whatever in roads we made.

Ain't no mountain high enough

Forks in hand we set about digging into the mountain, as with any digging task there's alway bound to be some form of surprises buried. We dug up broken garden forks, fiber glass and many other discarded waste. Within a few minutes we had dug down the mountain and began spreading the soil out along the path we were creating.

With it being Halloween I guess we couldn't blame anyone for spotting the odd pumpkin after all we are at an allotment. In the midst of leveling the soil along the path there was an exclamation!

Look there's a pumpkin

Nicola and Helen had spot a pumpkin on the path, it wasn't there before when we got there, was someone playing tricks on us? No! We were the only ones there and I wasn't winding them up either. Pam had provided us with a wheel barrow to put the rubbish we came across, as we loaded up the wheel barrow and spread the soil out the black part of the wheel was not visible and all that could be seen was the orange part of the wheel which according to Nicola and Helen looked like a pumpkin and maybe the rest of us cold not see it as we were not on there level. (referring to their height or lack of)


People don't do gardening in the night!

Pam told us about a conversation she had with another organisation in which she mentioned about work being undertaken at night at the allotments and someone was quite surprised by her comments and tried putting her straight telling her no one does gardening at night. She was so pleased to tell them about the marvelous group called GoodGym who is taking night time gardening by storm. The look on her face as she relived the conversation was priceless. You could tell she really enjoyed spreading the word about us and what we do. Sounds like we may have a new partner in the coming future!! Did I look into the cauldron there?

Mission accomplished we bid of farewell and ran off into the dark with head torches lighting our path.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

On the run back along the road Croydon council had began putting up their Christmas decorations on the lamp post. This prompted us to start talking about our end of year meal, after some pondering I suggested going to Little Bay for a meal which was a unanimous yes from the other four. We now need to agree on a date that is convenient for everyone and if you have ever been to Little Bay you know they are quite popular and will be extremely busy throughout December so we need to agree on a date book ASAP!!

This weekend there is a community mission you do not need to be DBS cleared to join sign up here

GoodGym News!

  • If you did not know there is a GoodGym wide facebook group "Unofficial Unofficial GoodGym Socialising" here you can find out about all the various events happening across GoodGym in other areas, races, parties long runs and many more. The is an entry Criteria which I'm sure you'll all be able to meet.

  • Sarah (one of our many Sarah's) is in the process of putting together the process of putting together the race team news letter and is after any news you would like to share. It could be your personal perspective on a race or if you have any up coming runs/training others can join in on. If you would like to get in touch with her please let me know and I can give you her details.

  • Last social of the year will be on Thursday 8th November at The Star of Bethnal Green, E2, 6LG

  • GoodGym London Xmas party is on 1st December 2018

Next week we are heading over to St Augustines Church, its an in door task this time sign up here.

This task supported
Unique Roots
Community gardening

Unique Roots - A holistic, outdoor health & wellbeing project which develops gardening skills, urban farming skills, physical fitness, confidence levels and mental health for the community as a whole.

See more

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Gardening along the Boulevard with ECCO
🗓Tuesday 11th March 7:00pm

Making the community look amazing

Naa OkineLorna MaclarenDDenise Elaine BryanNeelam Shah
10 GoodGymers are going