Saturday 23rd February 2019
Report written by Greenwich runner
On a misty Saturday morning, brave GoodGym Greenwich runners from across the borough made their way to Crisis' storage unit in Charlton. Kevin from Crisis explained to us how they recently acquired a brand new warehouse space and now needed to move the items they were storing. As we knew from a previous mission here, Crisis was using this space to store all of their seasonal clothing for their charity shops, and they had loads of it.
Once the big empty lorry had showed up, we could start with our big clear-out. Efficient as we are, we quickly organized ourselves in a locker-emptying team, a cart-wheeling one (not literally!) and a lorry-loading one, and after a couple of runs we had the process down to an accuracy of seconds! As time went on, the lorry started to fill up quickly, but the storage locker didn't seem to emptying at the same rate...
Soon we were stuffing the last nooks and crannies of the truck. We were exercising all our upper-body muscles as there just wasn't enough room to lift the carts anymore, so had to resort to just throwing the bags up. Some brave runners even showed off their mountaineering skills by climbing the mountain of bags to squeeze them in at the top.
The lorry loaded and on its way to the warehouse, we decided we weren't done yet and collected the remaining bags from storage and made a nice big pile out of them outside, ready for the next transport.
After all that work, we each went our own way, with our small group having a lovely sunny run back to Woolwich along the Thames Path.
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