Tuesday 3rd September 2019
Report written by Jonny Carter
Tonight it was canal litter pick night! It’s a task we haven’t done for a while, so without further a-do, we assigned John the front marker position and Rob the back.
Once we reached the canal the group was split into three groups, each litter picking a different part of our adopted section of towpath. There was plenty of rubbish to collect with it being over a month since our last task on the canal. Once each group had finished we joined up together to take the bags up to Aston lock. Though this was somewhat delayed as Tatyana found some fishing line attached to a reel left in the canal. Well we weren’t going to leave that as of course it would be a nasty hazard to the canal wildlife, so the group pulled it out, well Sam did most of the pulling, as Morwenna and Karin wrapped up the extremely long length of line. It took a while but we eventually got to the end of it and didn’t manage to trip up any passers by! That was two good deeds tonight then, the litter pick and a bit of animal welfare work! Hence if you haven’t already guessed, this little episode inspired this weeks pun, thought up by Sam.
Once the fishing line was removed we headed up to Aston lock to drop the bags off and then ran towards Digbeth as we just had enough time to grab a drink at the ‘pop up’ ‘Beach bar’, however on arrival we found it had been dismantled yesterday! Yep that’s a sign summer is over :( Oh well it hopefully will be back next year!
Anyway as we had a little spare time we took a slightly longer route back to 1000 Trades to take us up to a nice 6k in total for the evening.
Next week we will be out doing good again, it would be great if you could join us sign up here.
The village green in Moseley is a green space enjoyed by many people