Wednesday 26th May 2021
Report written by Hackney runner
What a joy to finally get a chance to muck in at Hackney farm. And muck in we did. Surrounded by newborn piglets and baby goats, we headed towards a huge pile of manure and an extremely long ditch surrounding half of the farm. We were to prepare the deep ditch for fresh saplings and fill up some wily fox holes in the horses paddock.
Were the foxes tunneling their way to the chickens coop? Will the horse tell the monkey? What’s the name for a baby goat?
Pondering these important questions, half of us valiantly shifted rocks out of the long ditch, while the rest of us shoveled and wheelbarrowed manure, the lifeblood for young saplings, into deep holes.
From the manure pile to the wonderfully close farm bar we skipped to celebrate our hole-filling, fox-out-wiling and overall funky aroma.
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