Once more into the Balsam

3 Goodgymers helped their local community in Kingston upon Thames
Kate Haworth
Rob Haworth
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Kingston upon Thames

Monday 29th July 2019

Kate Haworth
Kate Haworth


Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Rob Haworth

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Tonight was all about who could pull the biggest Balsam. The giant stuff could be seen from the path sticking out of the tops of the rest of the undergrowth, just laughing at us thinking it was safe. It seems it grows from everywhere, dark woods, nettle beds, thistle bushes, even rotting logs, but where ever it grows Good Gym goes.

Missed tonights Balsam adventure? And last week and the weeks before then? Well don't fret, the final episode is on for next week but then that really is it for the season.

This task supported
Friends of Berrylands Nature Reserve
An amazing local conservation group

Many conservation and environmental projects are organised by this group!

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Kingston upon Thames

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7 GoodGymers are going