Sticky Moss

17 Goodgymers helped their local community in Islington
Steve Coman
Paul Bown
Patrick Luong
Frances Powrie
Meg Lewis
Steve Lee
Abigail White
Tim Slater
Jonathan Blackwell
Dan Cook
Harry Lock
1 / 15

Monday 21st May 2018

Paul Bown
Paul Bown



Islington runner


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Report written by Paul Bown

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Thanks for coming along on a beautiful but humid evening in Islington, due to the weather we did our intro outside and welcomed Faye, Emily and Harry - lovely for you to join us.

In the news this week:

  1. Well done to everyone who ran, cheered, volunteered and paced Hackney Half Marathon on Sunday - amazing to have GoodGym everywhere!
  2. This Sunday is May's Long Run - there is a 20km or 11km option going from Battersea Park to Richmond for lunch!

After warming up we headed north to help Caxton House, it's a steady incline all the way up but we did great tackling the humidity. Upon our arrival Steve Lee (who'd cycled) was already there working hard, Rose told us the tasks were as follows:

  • Cutting back bushes and trees around the side entrance
  • Clearing and digging up weeds at the front
  • And the main task of clearing the pavement and walls of moss and weeds

Caxton House is a brilliant community centre we've been helping for over 3 years - they offer a number of education, fitness and arts projects; and provide a key link between like-minded organisations and the local community. Really cool!

Penguin Biscuits!

Over 30 minutes over hard work we made a massive impact making the area look lovely! We found a combination of brushes and trowels worked best to really get in those cracks. After tidying up, having a fun group photo we headed to a nearby hill for a workout.

Importantly technique to remember - arms at 90 degrees & not crossing over, straight back and lifting the legs slightly higher - nice! People did 2-3 hill sprints with Hob Nobs as a reward - yum!

Our downhill home run was lovely and quick - Jonny and Harry headed for the extra lap of the Emirates while the rest of us stretched out.

Next week is the Bank Holiday but we'll be still doing good - helping Compton Square Gardens (outside Union Chapel) with some weeding - sign up now.

PB out.

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Compton Terrace Gardens Volunteer Open Morning - March
🗓Tomorrow 10:00am

Monthly community gardening mornings with the Friends of Compton Terrace Gardens