Tuesday 23rd April 2024
Report written by Meyrick Williams (He/Him)
April comes, and struggles to commit to Spring, as despite some sunny days recently the temperature has been a little on the chilly side.
In the sheltered courtyard of St John's Court however, we found ourselves in almost mild conditions as four GoodGymmers, Richard, Helen, Emily and Meyrick rocked up to help remove the Winter's weeds from the courtyard outide the dining hall.
This care/retirement home is in a lovely setting by the riverside and it's important that the residents can fully enjoy the outside areas as the weather warms up.
There were a lot of weeds though, but we are GoodGym and we made quick work of removing them with the limited tools we had at our disposal.
With a hope that Spring proper is only weeks away, let's hope the residents can enjoy this area all the better as the weather warms up.
Fri 26th Apr 2024 at 9:13am
Neat and tidy. (Always good to leave a few pollinating weeds for bees in pebbled area maybe) Nicer place now for sitting and sun soaking.