Help at Kirkstall Valley Farm
Help the farm to grow good quality, affordable veg for the local community.
Kirkstall Valley FarmBehind Ready Steady Store, Kirkstall Road
Date and time
10:00 - 11:30Who this task will support
Kirkstall Valley Development TrustKirkstall Valley Farm are working hard to provide a reliable supply of affordable veg to the local community, grown in an environmentally friendly way.
We have been asked to help on the farm. There will be a grower on site to direct us and to give us the tools we need. The tasks that we will be helping with are likely to involve either weeding, or wheelbarrowing materials.
Meet outside the tractor shed, just on your left as you come in
If you have them, bring gardening gloves as there are nettles and thistles. Please also be aware of uneven surfaces, heavy materials, vehicles moving around the site and any sharp tools.
As the farm is located on Kirkstall Road it makes for a good run/ walk/ cycling stop. If convenient, meet up at Hyde Park Book club to run/ jog/ walk or cycle to this task.
How are you getting there?
Who's going
Kirkstall Valley FarmBehind Ready Steady Store, Kirkstall Road
Date and time
10:00 - 11:30Who this task will support
Kirkstall Valley Development TrustSign up by 4:00pm on Friday 10th September so we can let Gemma know who to expect.
As you will make your own way to the task, feel free to walk or run as you wish.
Ideal for beginners
Kirkstall Valley Farm
Behind Ready Steady Store, Kirkstall Road
Led by Gemma
Love to be outside and help the community
What to look out for
Age Restriction
GoodGym welcomes anyone aged 18 or over. If you are under 18 then you will be unable to participate in any GoodGym activity
Make sure you've read our general guidelines for safety when running and at a task.
I have set up the task with a group fitness activity listed - I can't make the task so please can a member of the TF lead this session and another member take the lead on the group fitness run to the task?
Can i join please im coming with Khara
Hi Ruby - did you manage to join the task?
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