0 Month Streak
6 Month Streak
Block or report Allison Randell
Sunday 11th July 2021
Allison Randell done a 6 month mission streak.
Allison just completed a six month streak of doing missions. That’s so many bags of garden rubbish cleared and jobs done to help someone out and put a smile on their face. Give Allison a cheer to encourage them to keep up the good work.
Sun 11th Jul 2021 at 1:00pm
Lambeth Report written by Sam Lefevre (he/him)
Three GoodGymers came and met each other inside the St. Faith Community Centre near North Dulwich station to help GROAD with taking in donations and sorting them out into different categories. Lucy and Allison took on the task of sorting different items and placing them on the table before packing them into bags. Each bag had two pairs of trousers, two shirts, two sweatshirts or jumpers and if there were space, a towel, a blanket or toiletries.
Sam and the other volunteers of GROAD took on the task of accepting the donations of those who were dropping off items. They received plenty of books, children toys and clothes as well as random bits and bobs.
If you are ever up for helping out GROAD, please note these missions are done on a weekly basis from 13:00-14:30 and Andrea (the task owner) is always happy to have volunteers.
Wed 23rd Jun 2021 at 7:00pm
Southwark Report written by Laura Grant
Five Good Gymmers met at Traid Peckham to help clear the store after their seasonal sale. We tidied the rails, collected all the odd shoes and packaged everything away in enormous boxes, ready to be sent to the warehouse. Welcome too to Elsie and congratulations on your first GG mission!