Evan Whitington


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Evan Whitington
Evan Whitington has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🤩

Monday 2nd December 2019

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Evan Whitington has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Evan is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Vicky HearsonAidan KettleLionel A ChatardLaura Barrett
Evan Whitington
Evan Whitington went on a group run

Mon 2nd Dec 2019 at 6:00pm

School of Rock(s)

York Report written by York runner

35 GG Yorkies saw in December with two massive tasks!

We welcomed along two brand new runners to the gang, your best cheers please for Vix and Evan especially because they joined us on a very chilly night.

Mitch led the majority of the group off to a lovely indoor task at Fishergate School, where everyone was tasked with wrapping HUNDREDS of presents for the school's Christmas shop, where the kids can buy small gifts for their families.

There were matchmakers and chocolate oranges which were easy and rectangular, then the slightly more complex triangular lip balms and much more difficult cylindrical pots of slime!

Mitch did have a go at wrapping but as you can see from the picture of his efforts, he was better just staying in charge and making sure nobody was going rogue with the scissors or getting paper cuts.

The remaining small but hardcore group ran with me over to the Groves where Jane of the Secret Garden had asked us to move "about 50 big stones".

The short version of this story is that a local man spotted some excellent large rocks which had been excavated from a local building site. Some of the stones are carved and almost certainly have some sort of historical significance but we don't know what.

With permission, and an electric milk float, they took all the stones with the idea that they could use them to build a rockery in the Secret Garden (a local community space) and stored them in his front garden, where they've been for months.

The rockery can't be built until spring so this task was to shift all the rocks to the shared garage for winter storage.

It was a bit like a strongman Atlas Stones challenge as the awkwardly shaped stones challenged everyone, with only the biggest ones going in the single, rickety wheelbarrow.

This is a proper task! Max

Max was very happy to be lifting heavy rocks and there was some rock jigsaw solving going on that a drystone waller would have been proud of.

30 minutes down and the last, enormous rock was placed in the garage. We estimated that there were in fact about 150 rocks. Slightly more than anticipated.

With our task complete we ran to see if we could help with any last minute present wrapping. It was an absolute hive of activity when we arrived and there was some seriously high quality wrapping happening. The rock gang mostly focused on recycling cardboard and being countdown timers whilst the wrappers finished up.

There were hundreds of gifts to wrap, it felt like an impossible job to do in the allocated time. The GoodGymers were amazing; they came in, cracked on, laughed and did the lot right until the very last minute. What absolute stars. I imagine they are sick of the sight of matchmakers! - Friends of Fishergate School

Amazing work with all the good tonight everyone. There are LOADS of community missions coming up in the next week so check out the listings and get involved.

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Vicky HearsonAidan Kettle
Evan Whitington
Evan Whitington signed up to a group run.

Mon 2nd Dec 2019 at 6:00pm

Our First Festive Task of the Season!

Helping bring some Christmas Joy to children and parents at Fishergate Primary (or move some really big rocks!)

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Vicky Hearson