0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
1 Month Streak
Monday 15th January 2024
Jenni Roberts completed 25 good deeds with GoodGym.
Jenni has already done 25 good deeds with GoodGym. Instead of doing anything else, they've used their run to go and help people that need their help; digging, lifting, scraping, clearing, planting and weeding. Stuff that makes this a better place to be.
Mon 15th Jan 2024 at 6:15pm
Bournemouth Report written by Caprice McWilliams
What a great turn out for tonight's session. Eleanor, Chloe, Julie, Jenny and Caprice met for the Group Run with Daryl leading the way on his bike. It's was great seeing Jenny again, it's been too long!! It was lovely seeing Julie again, she had been away due to an injured foot, fingers crossed that it's on the mend!
The runners made their way through town and were met at the task by James and Milly who had made their own way to the session.
Tonight's task was to sort donations for Hope's Charity Shop. The group had to categorise and bag up lots of clothing, such as Men's, and Ladies winter and summer clothing, mens and ladies shoes. There were even some dog toys thrown in for good measure! After a good rummage and a sort out the GoodGymers managed to sort everything out in no time at all. Many hands make light work!
We'll be back again to help Tony in a month's time so please do sign up to the session.
Tue 29th Aug 2023 at 6:30pm