Big friendly giant who wants to do good, help others, meet some awesome people and get fit. Hope to meet you soon.
0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
2 Month Streak
Sun 25th Aug 2024 at 8:30am
Slough Report written by Slough runner
Thank you to our 5 volunteers for helping this morning at Salt Hill.
Keith was Marshall 3 how could he POSSIBLY SEE the super tall chimney.
Pam was our 11 - 8 marshal making sure the children dont slide down the slope.
Adam was Marshall 6 you could say the building opposite looked like Mars so he maybe could of picked up a couple of choco twix.
Manjit postioned on 1 the most difficult task, is to make sure they all go round the post and that the job done!!!
Have a lovely Bank Holiday.
Mon 5th Aug 2024 at 6:30pm
Slough Report written by Manjit Birk
Tonight’s task was to help Raggy Rd allotments with a gardening based task.
We met at Salt hill park with 6 people signed up. Two met us directly at the task location and four of us ran down the 1km route to Ragstone Rd
On arrival Mona was ready in waiting to give us the low down of the task.
There were planters that needed soiling and a path that needed leveling.
Forkin’ Hell
As we gathered around the compost heap that needed clearing out and the good soil moved to the planters, Keith spotted something moving as he ploughed his fork into the heap! At first we thought it was a snake! But then as another one appeared we realized they were slow worms.
That was enough for Sandy and I to quickly take on the leveling task whilst Keith, Jen and Zoe wheely enjoyed the compost moving planter filling task.
Hard Kaur’s
Abdul soon joined us and was helping the hard Kaur’s Sandy and me with removing layers of carpet and mesh and a few weeds from the path. Our task was to clear the path as best we could so that the plot user who has mobility issues could safely tend to their plot. We actually managed to do it much to our own surprise!
Within 45 minutes we had done as much as we possibly could, so we finished off with a group photos and yummy apple pies. Keith hit the jackpot with fresh beetroot! Just cant beet this task location
Well done to everyone for their efforts.
Mon 5th Aug 2024 at 6:30pm
We have elderly and disabled members who cannot manage to do this work. Once land is levelled more local community people can join us.
Read moreMon 8th Jul 2024 at 6:30pm
Slough Report written by Manjit Birk
This evening we were helping Jillian at The Global Trust Bookstore to sort through the piles of donated books.
Before setting off from Salt Hill Park we welcomed Urmila on her first GoodGym session - a very warm welcome!
With Pam, Keith and Urmila walking the 1 mile distance, they set off whilst Jean and I carried on with the warm up.
Soon we had set off too. Jean was on fire tonight! I told her to set the pace and run at her pace then walk whenever she wanted to... we ran nearly all the way! Great to have running Jean back
Not all books are created sequel
Our tasks were to just sort out the books. But the books were everywhere so we were bound to get a little confused.
I helped to work out the sub tasks with task owner Jillian and we set Jean and Keith the naughty corner to sort out the fact from the fictions!
They did a remarkable job clearing out the corner into some kind of order!
Once upon a time
Kam and Pam had the job of sorting out the kiddies corner. Kam was on all the reference books whilst Pam had the pre schoolers!
Urmila and I came down to help after an aborted clothes sorting task!
We soon had crates of books in the correct piles
Great job all round everyone!
Mon 20th May 2024 at 6:30pm
Slough Report written by Manjit Birk
Tonight we were back helping Home Start East Berkshire with their Slough Allotment Project.
We had the task of digging up the grass on plot 5 and with 9 of us in tow we managed to get two beds over turned.
It was great to have Priya return for her second task.
We were so pleased to have Mansoor join us via Stoke Park Active - thank you Clare for bringing Mansoor along.
The task was pretty straightforward but with very dry soil it took allot of effort in turning it over.
Jason had a cracking technique at skimming the top then digging the grass roots out accompanied by Keith who also gave the task some backbone!
Kam and Jean who I classify as my gardening gnome it alls knew exactly what to dig and what to leave!
Thank you all for your efforts tonight.
Next week is bank holiday Monday but the session is still on - we will be combining a fitness session with a litter pick task at Upton Court Park.