0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
2 Month Streak
Sat 17th Feb 2024 at 10:15am
Norwich Report written by Steven Hitcham
The Friends of Waterloo Park had called upon GoodGym Norwich to help transport about 80 bags of compost to the park from a nearby location.
A big welcome to Poppy who was doing her first good deed, and to Harriet who was doing her first in Norwich.
We didn't hold back and got stuck into the task, forming a conveyor belt of GoodGymers going and and down the road and park with wheelbarrows full of the odour filled bags of mushroom compost.
The Friends of Waterloo Park also provided plenty of their helpers to spread all of the mushroom goodness across their flower beds.
It was a wonderful team effort and we got the whole job done in less than an hour.
Sat 3rd Feb 2024 at 10:15am
Norwich Report written by Ian Gostling
This morning 5 runners ran 2km to Jenny Lind Park.
We met Liz who was leading a group of local volunteers, armed with loppers and forks.
She explained today's first task to cut back the longest branches and hedges over hanging the footpath, and clear away weeds from the flower beds. So we split into 2 teams and got to work.
Once we had filled 2 brown dustbins and 2 tubs with weeds and debris, the second task was to create air holes using forks in areas of the park with the most compacted soil. This will help improve the water drainage and allow more grass to grow.
After 90 minutes we said our goodbyes, with plans to return in the future for more good deeds.
Sat 27th Jan 2024 at 10:15am
Norwich Report written by Steven Hitcham
This week we visited Somerleyton Gardens for the first time this year, to give it some TLC after the winter so far.
There was plenty of tidying up to do, as you can see from the before and after photos.
Sat 20th Jan 2024 at 10:15am
Norwich Report written by Steven Hitcham
We had a chilly and frosty morning doing some edging at Jenny Lind park, it was quite a challenge with the frozen ground but GoodGym never lets anyone down.
The task owner was expecting us to complete one flower bed, but in true GoodGym style we managed to edge three flower beds!
A big welcome to Paul who was doing his first GoodGym deed.