Tuesday 4th March
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)
The oldest youth club in the world, St Andrew's, is always a buzz of activity offering every kind of club imaginable to local children - from cookery to judo to chess and everything in between! When we arrived the pancake making was happening in the kitchen, the speaker was pumping and boxing club was in full swing. It's amazing to see, but with all the kit needed to make it happen, space is at a premium in this central London location. That meant our job for the evening was to help create some more!
We were taken upstairs to the storage room at the top of the centre to find an area full to the brim with boxes, school uniform, frames and racquets...so many racquets!
We wasted no time getting everything sorted into piles and sorting out the contents of the boxes. There were many questions along the way. What was the mysterious plastic implement, where were we going to put all the empty frames, and why had Jayson (year 6) abandoned his homework?
Before long we had made a big difference and there was a lot of new floor space to show for our efforts. Next week we're back handing out food to rough sleepers, hope to see you there!
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