Wednesday 19th August 2020
Report written by Sharon
I must start with an apology...... sorry not great when the run leader is late......stressful day at work and a traffic jam but I knew any new faces would be in good hands with The Graham Johnson and head teacher Paul.
A slightly soggy run for Kevin and I but at least it had stopped raining.
We arrived to find the team hard at work The Graham Johnson and Lil started with a bit of gardening and wheelbarrow collecting. Paul, Alex, Isabelle and Kiran had a multitude of tools to help demolish the final parts of the decking which was the transported by trolley to the recycling area.
As we know many hands make light work and we not only managed to remove the deck but even removed the soil and rubbish from underneath....which is one less job for site supervisor Andy to do when he returns from his holidays.
I am always amazed how things have changed at Manorfield since we started running to help nearly 4 years ago and it is always a pleasure to hear Paul telling any new runners who come to Manorfield about the changes and show them the new nursery we helped fund raise for when we ran The Big Half in 2018......when you seeBrahma ask him how he added colour to the event.
I wonder what Paul will have planned for us next week. Come and join us
With more volunteers, FoodCycle will always be able to keep their meals running and provide delicious, hot meals to the community!