Wednesday 26th July 2023
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Rachel Henry
It was definitely not forecast to rain until the end of our run. So when it was raining at the start we decided to forgo our warm up despite having cling film at the ready and we set off for Christchurch to meet Kate and Cherry for our scheduled evening of frivolity. Welcome back to Tam, lovely to have you along and look forward to welcoming you to a Woolwich run soon!
Before starting our marathon 1km run, we voted on who was a nose breather and who was a mouth breather, clarifying whether the mouth breathers are mouth breathers by simple and carefree ignorance (me) or pure, unadulterated defiance (Brin). Imagine how fearless, how reckless, how [insert what adjective Kerry would use to describe Brin in the heat of an argument] you must be to understand the benefits of mouth breathing and to forgo it? Luckily, for those of us claiming ignorance, we had Tom to explain to us the benefits in a 2minute elevator pitch and proceed to invite us to a 2 hour podcast listening GoodGym social to fully appreciate the science of mouth breathing in all its glory. (Apologies, I think I'm busy that night).
Anyway, enough on nose breayhing until a later feature. At Christchurch a few of us moved a big planter to what we were assured is a more sunny spot and it looks rather fetching there. And another grouo of us dug out the ivy and saved another plant from a planter that tonight died a long awaited and peaceful death having been held together by all the roots. This planter was a year older than Brin and I. Farewell comrade. By the way, We were born the year of the first case of successful somatic gene therapy on a patient...what year was it? Post in the comments- no googling!
We saved some bulbs and some snails and worms and the soil will be spread back around the garden. Beautiful work. We then had some comparing of who soiled themselves the most. Thankfully, being a mouth breather, I was spared most the most distressing parts of this. Time for a soggy photo and some lovely biscuits and cherries and then we were off and parted ways to squelch back home.
Thanks everyone! We're at Woolwich Works next week and don't forget our next social picnic in August!
Start your Saturday in style and join this friendly bunch of local volunteers and runners!