Wednesday 14th November 2018
Report written by Bournemouth runner
It had been a long time since our last litter pick, so it was time to clean up the chines again.
We were lucky to have Daniela and Chloe come and join us for their first ever group run! Two lovely ladies who got involved straight away, chatting and being friendly with everyone.
After a run along the streets we headed to the first chine and ran down it....then we ran back up it because we are badass....or because I like the look on the gang's face when I tell them we're doing a hill run.... But they did it and survived!!!
On our way back down again we got into pairs and made a little competition of it to see who could fill their bin bag first or have the heaviest one....
Some of us were a little more competitive than others....Neil and I did manage to fill our bag all the way to the top....mostly because we found the local teenagers secret drinking spot!!! Jackpot!!!
We ran up and down a couple more chines but most were clear of rubbish....excellent!! We headed back happy that we had made a difference for another evening!
Lovely to meet new people, do some exercise, get some fresh air and make the world or this corner of Bournemouth a better place to live.
Well done all of you for coming along!! Hope you feel good about should!
See you next week!!!!
Wed 14th Nov 2018 at 11:16pm
Loving the pun Manu!
Fri 16th Nov 2018 at 7:00am
Thanks I surprised myself! Hahahaha
Help keep the compost in one area so its not spread all over the park