Bready or not, here I come

3 Goodgymers helped their local community in Westminster
Andy G.
Anastasia Hancock
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Tuesday 25th February

Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock


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Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

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So great to have Emma and Andy along to help deliver food to rough sleepers in Victoria last night as we needed as many pair of hands as possible to transport the massive haul of delicious food!

We started off with the first leg pick up at a local bakery and came away with masses of different bread - rolls, baguettes and loaves.

After a bit of chaotic map reading (sorry team) we managed to locate the Under One Sky group who were walking with food and hot drinks, handing then out to who ever needed a bit of help.

The second pit stop was Pret, who truly came up with the goods! Loads of salads, sandwiches, toasties and even some freshly baked croissants -the tempting scent of which followed us the whole walk back to Under One Sky! On the way we discussed who preferred sweet or savoury. It was one vote from Emma who put in an extra vote for donuts, one for savoury from me, and one undecided from Andy who said that he did not discriminate between the two!

Next week we're back doing more good in Westminster by helping out at a local youth club - see you there!

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Picking up food from a bakery and transporting it to be handed out to rough sleepers
🗓Tuesday 6:50pm

Support Under One Sky to get food to those who need it most

Anastasia HancockMatilde Marini
2 GoodGymers are going - 3 spaces left! 👀