Monday 15th October 2018
Report written by Manjit Birk
Fifteen Goodgymers and fifteen local residents came together today to cut, prune, litter pick the play area on Cromwell Drive
Supported by the local PCSO and Slough Borough Council Neighbourhood Services team we were on a demolision mission
Cutting Hedge Technology
Well, a few rakes, a few cutters, a wheelbarrow and a beam light from the Police van...was all the technology we needed to nip this task in the bud
Man on a mission
Even our new runners Pam and Harry got totally stuck in. Pam pruned those hedges like it was a bonsai tree with such care and precision whilst Darren was a man on a mission to rip out the shrubs... even Tarzan could of learnt a swinging trick or two
The Youth of Today
Are amazing! A future generation of goodgymers came along this evening to help their parents help us in making their play area safer... to quote little Akash ' I just want to lend a helping hand'
Another brillant garden makeover in true 'Challenge Aneka' style ( without the helicopter).. 40 minutes in and we transformed the area!
We headed back to base with Chrissy and Darren back marking us and had a well deserving drink at our base location Salt Hill Activity Centre to celebrate!
Painting the town red
Huge congratulations to Chrissy, Darren, Nisha, Sut Yee, Michael, Sandy, Sara, Aneta and Chris on completion of the Slough Half Marathon and Emily for completing the 5km race in torrential downpour conditions on Sunday. What a brillantly organised event it was!
We certainly stood out in our red Goodgym T-Shirts!
Next weeks group run is to Wexham Park Hospital so is a longer run of 4km there and 4km back
Have a restful week Manjit
Supporting the Neighbourhood services team
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Join the volunteers in conserving the natural beauty of the park