Monday 6th February 2023
Report written by Simon Fitzmaurice
7 Goodgymmers attended our Monday group run over to Caledonian Park on Monday, continuing a huge project for building pathways that are accessible for all. Our running team (back marked by Adam) made their way along Holloway Road and onwards to Market Road to meet with chief volunteer coordinator Miriam by the Tolpuddle Café. Cyclists Caitlin and Emily also met us at the north of the park, ready to get cracking!
It was certainly an evening that required headtorches and portable lighting, despite the shine of a full moon and a clear sky. Our task was to gather crushed concrete and building material from a large donated pile (multiple tonnes of this debris) using shovels and wheelbarrows. We would then take the rubble over to the woodland walk and the amphitheatre on the eastern side of park, and spread the material using rakes and forks. Super satisfying work, with Louise and Claire arranging the gravel ready for spring-time park visitors.
We did a smashing job within 50 minutes, and Miriam was thrilled with the progress we made! All being well, we will return on the first week of March, so watch this space!
Goodgym x The Running Works Marathon Talk Q & A
Friday 10th February, 7pm
Area Activator Simon will be leading a group run and a relaxed question and answer session for any Goodgym runners interested in taking on the marathon or future endurance distances. We will be talking about:
All hosted at The Running Works in Aldgate, London's largest independent running shop.
Sign up here
Half-term Helpers at Caledonian Park Junior parkrun
Sunday 12th February, 8.45am
The volunteer team for Caledonian Park junior parkrun (a free weekly timed 2km running event for youngsters aged 4-14 years old) are looking for:
Or generally anyone who would be happy to get involved with the running of this lovely run on a Sunday morning. The half-term holidays tend to be a tricky time for the crew, so your assistance would be hugely appreciated!
The Friends maintain and care for the two wildlife gardens to the north-west corner of the park, the community orchard at the south-west of the field; help tend the raised square beds at the South gate, and also plant bulbs and flowers around the park!
See moreIslington
Monthly community gardening mornings with the Friends of Compton Terrace Gardens