Wednesday 7th September 2016
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Seven Super GoodGymmers did an hour of running to help sort out a pond and a few other bits in the environmental area up at Sayers Croft.
Steady pace, running tall and a good breathing rhythm were the prescription as we worked our way as a group on the 5k trip up there.
A slight panic when nobody at the site seemed to know what GoodGym were, why we were there, or pretty much anything at all. But a bit of persistence paid off ("We're here to DO GOOD!") and we eventually got in.
There were a few jobs to do: washing down signs, watering the plants, and removing algae and pond scum from the pond. And because of the longer run and mucking around trying to get access we had a massive... TWELVE MINUTES! AAARRRGGHH!
Not to worry, GoodGymmers know how to get shifting when they need to. We scrubbed, watered and fished, stopping only to assure the security guard that we had not snuck in to wash ourselves in the sink and were definitely doing good!
When removing scum, net action is most important. Check out the pics and see who you reckon's got it down. The best netter wins a free parkrun this weekend!
Good deed done, we locked up and headed back. And despite the long run we managed to chuck in a few surges of speed.
Great good deeding everybody. Rest those pegs today!
P.S. Don't forget drinks tonight
Help sort these kids' resources to improve storage at the club