Wednesday 8th January
Report written by Jonny Carter
On a literally freezing night in Brum we had 4 hardy GoodGymers who did some good, followed by a good old old school GG Brum workout!
We set off on a litter pick around the JQ with Morwenna finding a frozen sock hence the pun!
After walking for a good while, we were all pretty cold so it was time for a run. We took a route around the JQ finishing in St Paul's Square ready for some circuit work!
This is what we did a lot of pre-pandemic so it was great to have it back! We had mountain climbers, squat jumps, tuck jumps and finished with the dreaded wall squat! Everyone worked hard, Eve and Morwenna mentioning they would no doubt feel it tomorrow and James getting warm enough to strip down to just a t-shirt!
Once done it was a nice steady jog around to 1000 Trades. Great work everyone :)