Saturday 18th June 2022
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Paul Becker (he/him)
The task today was to clear bindweed and thick grass from around the base of the young trees in the Hope Wood section of Manor Valley.
The trees were planted as part of the One Tree Per Child project, operating across 130 Bristol primary schools. The plan was to plant 36,000 trees for the 36,000 primary school kids in Bristol.
With us today were keen eyed nature- spotter Danica who found spiders and caterpillars galore amongst the roots and branches. We also had a second visit from Sam who is discovering that this is now an obligatory part of the itinerary on his visits to dedicated GoodGym volunteer Phill. Welcome back Sam!
We managed a good number of trees before the rain came down and we sought shelter amongst some more mature specimens before heading back home
A chance to banish some brambles and other weeds