9 Goodgymers helped their local community in Westminster
Ellie Hutch
Jo Richardson
Dan Fisher
Annie Smith
Marlon Farquharson
Mayumi Hirano
Charlotte De mide
Removed User
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Wednesday 9th September 2015

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Run Report by Dan Fisher

What a run! We started as a 9 strong team of enthusiastic runners with some regulars and two newbies to boot! Who by all means, had a fantastic night and deserve a massive well done!

So let us begin. After being enlightened about how sugars are broken down in our body, Ellie gave us our brief. We had been tasked with running to a church and cleaning up the gardens of St Saviours Church in Pimlico, in particular sweeping and clearing the falling autumn leaves. Our excitement was deep and we couldn't wait to leaf!

As we readied ourselves for the 3 mile run, Yes, 3 miles there! From Regents Street to Pimlico we knew that we had to prepare for what lay ahead.

We weaved and dodged and barged our way through Oxford Street the onto Bond, before we were taken onto the nice back roads by our chief Navigator Charlotte AKA Homing Pigeon.

When we reached Buckingham Palace we had the obligatory GG selfie with her Madge and then swiftly carried on our way to make sure we had optimal cleaning time at the Church.

When we arrived at the church it appeared we had gate crashed an important meeting where there was plenty of cake! After being offered of course.........we wolfed down the tasty treats in respect of it being Wednesday night and The Great British Bake of Course!!!

After successfully filling up with extra Glycogen we had all the energy we needed to carry out the task ahead. 30 minutes whizzed by and before we knew it we had trimmed a hedge and filled 8 bin bags? Bin bags full of leaves! Smiles all round and then we topped up with water and of course more cake before we headed back.

On our way back the group had to split, the speeds cracked on, challenging their pace until the end. The reainder of the group surged with team a spirit, which carried the now 7 strong team back to the start everyone supporting from front to back.

The two newbies finished with huge smiles that quickly became contagious and we were all smiling after our 6.24 mile round trip!

A fantastic run tonight and a great community spirit! Lets carry on the good work!

Go GoodGym Westminster!

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