The great clothing giveaway!

8 Goodgymers helped their local community in Westminster
Louis Lengingworth
Sebastian Macnair-Smith
Jack Deverell
Nermeen Ali
Rosalind Hoy
Adam Quigley
Joel Wiles
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Tuesday 26th October 2021

Joel Wiles
Joel Wiles


Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Joel Wiles

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An Awesome evening in Westminster with 8 GoodGymers helping to give away a truck full of clothes to Westminsters homeless community.

Loved having you all along for our all action session. Running 2k to Charring Cross to meet the Get Rid of and donate truck and the amazing family team who guided us through the slick operation.

Starting handing out drinks then moving onto a duvet pile which we hung out for the community to take what they need.

Then came the fun and games of matching style, size and what each person needed. Coats, Jumpers, trousers, socks, tops, shoes and bags were all given out from the back of the truck.

A great vibe as people were loving there new, clean clothes!

we cleared out the van and helped around 150 of Westminster's most in need people as the weathers closes in for Winter!

We will be back with Get Rid of and Donate on the 23rd of November. Hope you are able to come and help.


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Picking up food from a bakery and transporting it to be handed out to rough sleepers
🗓Tuesday 6:50pm

Support Under One Sky to get food to those who need it most

Anastasia HancockMatilde Marini
2 GoodGymers are going - 3 spaces left! 👀