Creative Waves

Green spaces Bug Cycle Community Garden
Helping a local community green spaces innovative garden

27 GoodGymers have supported Creative Waves with 14 tasks.

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Previous sessions
WorthingCommunity mission
GillybeanBelinda RobinsonJohn Robinson

Shed ding some light...

Monday 25th March 2024

Written by Gillybean

Its been so long since we were last at Bugcycle, so i was excited to see how it looked. Nadia informed us that the condemned Shed was going to be saved so John set off removing debris from around the base. Myself and Belinda started weeding the veg patch in readiness for planting.

Ricky arrived and was given a task that had him stumped but he saw to it in no time !!! John had bird action which he's sure to tweet about later. All in all a productive evening. Nadia will be in touch with more future tasks.

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WorthingGroup run
John Robinson
Duncan AndersonStephen Blaine

Post platti serving at Bugs Life

Monday 6th June 2022


Sunshine and social

Following a 4 day platinum Jubilee weekend, GoodGym Worthing moved the 4 day extravaganza to 5 !

Tonight we combined a good deed with a social - what a perfect combination 👌 and we turned out in royal numbers!

On parade today we had (imagine a drum roll).....

Duncan, Gillybean,TamsinLucy, Sue, Anne Paul, Sarah Jay ,Stephen, Katharine John and Ricky

It was lovely to see so many familiar faces and I think it's true to say everyone enjoyed a great chat with each other whilst also doing some good stuff for the local community.

We were warmly welcomed back to the Bugcycle garden by Creative Wave's Nadia and Nessie. Tonights main task was to clear the 'lounge' area ready for a pergola to be built on Tuesday We also were weeding , watering and moving metal fencing and moving a decked wooden platform to its new home.

The majority of the team formed a chain of pure muscle to relocate some heavy rocks to make room for the pergola whilst others busiest themselves in various other ways around the garden.

One hour later and after a GG flag group photo we headed down to the communal barbeque's on Beach Green Despite a chill in the air, the sun shone and we all enjoyed sharing food and drink together. Here's to the next one in a month's time.

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WorthingGroup run
TamsinAnne BlokhusPaul WoodcockJohn Robinson
Paula Marten

Shrub a dub dub

Monday 11th April 2022


No slacking , more puffing (Jemmie's motivational quote for the evening)

On a beautiful warm March evening we walked/ ran over to one of our favourite tasks at Bugcycle Garden in Beach House Gardens. This community project is run by Creative Waves, aka Nadia and Nessie.

It was so great to have a lovely light, still evening to work with after all the dark winter evenings.

Roll of honour tonight was as follows John,Ricky, Paul, Anne ,Belinda,Gillybean,DuncanRosalind, Paula and last but not least Tamsin with special mini GoodGymer Jemmie !

We had a variety of tasks including Paul's planting a large palm like shrub ( see the before and after photos) . Nadia also asked us to clear the 'lounge ' area where there were piles of bricks and wood and rubbish that needed moving.

There was also a lot of weeding and watering done together with a wheelbarrow run to the green bin!

Lapping it up

Jemmie was keen to get the group doing some fitness so together with Anne, Ros and Mum, Tamsin she led the group on a lap of the park. Whilst the 3 of them continued on another lap, Jemmie and I plotted a fitness game to keep the group busy on their return. This comprised of a variety of functional body weight exercises including step ups, lunges, jumping jacks, shuttle runs and jump squats.

*Need to run home for a leek (Paul's quote of the evening) *

Before we knew it the evening was over and we managed to get a great group photo. Nadia invited us to help ourselves to the leeks that we had dug up to take home and cook.

Next week we will take a break for the bank holiday but Gill we be working her magic at Worthing leisure Centre this Wednesday.

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter and bank holiday weekend.

Julia x

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WorthingGroup run
GillybeanTamsinAnne BlokhusSarahBarbara Barrett

No little fishes when the boat came in!!

Monday 13th September 2021

Written by Gillybean

The group was split this evening, half went and started the task and half joined me for a short but enjoyable hill repeat session in Homefield Park

Nadia and Nessy were thier usual super welcoming selves. We were treated to tour of all the new areas and planting that has been happening since lockdown was lifted and work began. We were invited to take veg home too!! This eve we cut back loads of weeds that had grown around the speed boat (forgot to take a before pic) Ricky brought his new tool and set about weeding any cracks he could find (I'm sure there is a pun in there) Thanks to the "Sue's' Anne Tams Ricky Barbara and Sarah for a really fun chatty evening.

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WorthingCommunity mission

The earth moved

Monday 17th May 2021

Written by Worthing runner

I went down to Bugscycle at lunchtime to help with the transformation of the Bugscycle garden. Despite the rain, we moved earth from its previous location on one side of the site over to where a new planter is being installed. Others worked on other aspects of development. They are hoping to open the site soon. One of the highlights of the new layout is a speedboat which will be a real pull for the youngsters.

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WorthingCommunity mission
Paula MartenGillybean

Bugs off, makeover and out

Thursday 8th October 2020

Written by Worthing runner

We spent the session dismantling several planters in the area of Bugscycle which is soon going to be seeing a makeover, thanks to the creative imagination of Creative Waves. Gill and Paula cleared out various lorry tyres separating plants from weeds while Ricky helped to break up planter boxes "home-made" from pallets. The eventual result will be that the area benefits from a major facelift, making it an even more attractive feature for the local community.

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