Pete Emery


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Tidying the plots and the Garden of Rest at St Matthew's Church
🗓Tuesday 10th December 6:30pm

📍St Matthew's Church DE22 1EF

Improve the grounds and make the plots more accessible for visitors

AshleyPete EmeryPianofire
3 GoodGymers are going
Latest activity
Pete Emery
Pete Emery signed up to a community mission.

Tue 17th Dec at 6:30pm

Tidying the plots and the Garden of Rest at St Matthew's Church

Improve the grounds and make the plots more accessible for visitors

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Pete Emery
Pete Emery signed up to a community mission.

Tue 10th Dec at 6:30pm

Tidying the plots and the Garden of Rest at St Matthew's Church

Improve the grounds and make the plots more accessible for visitors

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Pete Emery
Pete Emery went on a community mission

Mon 18th Nov at 12:00pm

Peter EdwardsSarah
Pete Emery
Pete Emery went on a community mission

Tue 12th Nov at 6:30pm

Graveyard Shift...

Derby Report written by Ashley

...of unwanted grass and weeds. Our team gathered once again at St. Matthew's Church to tackle some much-needed grave upkeep. It was great to be back, with Ashley, Pete and Pianofire joining our friend David to make the resting places more presentable. Despite the dark, cold, and peaceful night, we warmed up quickly as we got to work. The highlight of the evening? Discovering Colin’s impressive pinball world ranking—who knew he was a true pinball wizard!

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Peter EdwardsSarah

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Wed 13th Nov at 6:18pm

Weldone all, great write up Ashley weldone

Pete Emery
Pete Emery signed up to a community mission.

Mon 18th Nov at 12:00pm

Sprucing up the Women's Centre garden

Transforming the Garden: A welcoming retreat for our ladies

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Peter EdwardsSarah
Pete Emery
Pete Emery signed up to a community mission.

Tue 12th Nov at 6:30pm

Tidying the plots and the Garden of Rest at St Matthew's Church

Improve the grounds and make the plots more accessible for visitors

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Pete Emery
Pete Emery signed up to a community mission.

Mon 4th Nov at 12:00pm

Sprucing up the Women's Centre garden

Transforming the Garden: A welcoming retreat for our ladies

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Peter EdwardsSarah
Pete Emery
Pete Emery went on a community mission

Tue 3rd Sep at 6:30pm

Level with me

Derby Report written by Ashley

Ashley and Pete were joined by Pianofire at the church. This time we were tasked with cleaning up and leveling some of the graves which had accumulated inches of dirt over the years. Armed only with shovels, a wheelbarrow and a sunny disposition we set about our mission. Having negotiated several ants nests, numerous wheelbarrow dumpings and a few pieces of rocky road cake, we surveyed out good work and were pleased with the results.

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Peter Edwards
