Monday 13th August 2018
Report written by James Poole
On a pleasant Summer's evening eight of Goodgym Redbridge's finest runners met to fight the weeds at Redbridbe Lane West Allotments and ran 6km in the process.
It was an oldie but a goodie, last night at Goodgym Redbridge as the squad returned to Redbridge Lane Allotments to battle with the weeds that threaten to overrun the place. This has been a regular site and we have many hours of sweat invested in the ailing garden. We were delighted to be joined by Susanna and Leanne on their first GG Redbridge run and task and after a short briefing the team were off up the road ready to make a difference.
The run to the Allotments is an easy mile and once there the hard work began. Tooled up with hoes, trowels and garden gloves the team set to work tearing up the thistles, dandelions and bindwind like their lives depended on. The allotments have become increasingly unloved this year and although we are only able to make it onces every four of five weeks, we have begun to make a significan difference to how they look.
With sweat dripping from brows and plenty of ground cleared, all that was left was a beautiful sunset run around Eagle Pond and some stretching back at base. Great work team and hope to see you all next week!
Wanstead Community Allotments is a project run by Vision Redbridge. It is used by local schools and people with learning difficulties. It aims to teach children and adults about fruit and vegetables and healthy eating.
See moreRedbridge
Will give you that little spring in your step;)