Runner, cyclist, rugby player, Redbridge Taskforce and Run Leader - who knows what else will follow :-)
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Block or report Peter Van Tongeren
📍Wanstead House Community Association E11 2NT
Will give you that little spring in your step;)
Thu 20th Feb at 11:15am
Newham Report written by Peter Van Tongeren
As the title implies, this was kinda game of tag without actually seeing each other...
Tina found the time & energy to clean up / tidy up the garden of a vulnerable local, only to discover that LB Newham paused their green waste collection to March... and not even clear when in March!
So she tagged me in a sense to have a look at clearing some of the bagged up leaves & grass & bits of tree.... and who can one ignore a lady in distress?
So after the mouse adventure at the foodbank I popped down and managed to make 6 bags of garden waste 'disappear'. Just missed the green waste collection at home, so it will go out next week.
Thu 20th Feb at 10:00am
Redbridge Report written by Peter Van Tongeren
Having to reschedule leave meant I missed out on the Wednesday #foodbank session.
But the boss lady mentioned the mouse droppings in the storage, so armed with cleaning kit the issue was tackled and cleaned up.
It seemed like the mice had a preference for dry pasta, somehow.... anyone know why?
Fingers crossed the humane traps will do their job soon!
Thu 20th Feb at 3:34pm
Didn’t mean to leave you with such a cr💩p job. Just couldn’t face it at the end of yesterday’s session. Not all heroes wear capes, I think you earned yours today 😁
Sun 29th Jun at 10:00am