Banking on some GoodGym magic

11 Goodgymers helped their local community in Oxford
Max Weissenbacher
Sasha Menon
Daphne MP
James Ashford
Fred Collman
Henry Gibson
Ben Gremson
Katie Fellows
Anwen Greenaway
Ellie Evans
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Wednesday 5th March

Anwen Greenaway
Anwen Greenaway


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Report written by Anwen Greenaway

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We usually take the opportunity of the darker winter months to gradually work our way around the food bank giving it a thorough clean. We haven't been able to fit in with the food bank schedule for a couple of months, but with ITV due to film there tomorrow, tonight the diary was cleared for us to do an emergency clean.

We swept, we mopped, we wiped, we dusted. We sorted expired food, we threw out an unmentionable amount of black bananas, we even scraped food off the walls. Within an hour the whole place was looking much more camera ready.

Welcome to GoodGym James!

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OXSRAD painting session
🗓Wednesday 6:00pm

This time with paint

Charlie VincentAndyIsobel LeeceVicky ArnoldKate Charles
10 GoodGymers are going