Wednesday 30th May 2018
Report written by Fay Sibley
I was on the train back from London, thinking about all the things I had to do, how tired I was and how much I wanted to go home and then Chrissie sent a message saying she was planning to return to Goodgym tonight after a little period away. She was nervous about her return and about how fast she would be able to run – Tav replied first and Helen quickly after saying no one was left behind at Goodgym and we couldn’t wait to see her. I was quickly reminded Goodgym is about getting fit by doing good – together. It’s the people we meet and the connections we make that have us all hooked by the red t-shirt army and coming back every week! As soon as I arrived at the leisure centre, pulled on my red shirt and trainers I knew I was up for it and the train thoughts drifted away. As the others started to arrive I could feel the excitement of running with friends on a sunny evening.
A fabulous 13 of us turned up to run. We did the usual headcount and then quickly headed off, warming up as we went. We ran through castle park, enjoying its summer splendour and through the streets of the town centre. We dipped under the under pass and on the abbey fields before reaching the Cannons residential home. As promised we found the trowels, bulbs and planting plans in the porch. We spilt in to teams of three and set about the grounds, digging holes and planting bulbs. Ella, Dan and Bob filled the watering cans and made sure the new flowers got a sprinkle – helping to make sure are hard work and efforts will explode into colour for the residence next year.
Tav climbed a tree with the help of Bob, whilst the rest of us did the plank challenge in the garden. Ella came out victorious, beating Bob by they smallest of margins and maybe a little help of a delayed start! Once all the planting was done, and equipment returned we set back off for the journey home. Meandering back across the fields and through the town!
Next week is Goodgym social night – drinks and food at the old new inn!
Thu 31st May 2018 at 10:29am
Thank you for getting me out and doing good once again - I have missed it! The togetherness and all-round loveliness of our group is what I love most about GG. You are all the best. <3
Thu 31st May 2018 at 11:10am
Excellent report Fay, sums up GoodGym perfectly. Glad you were back Chrissie. See you all next week 😁