Envelope budgeting.

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Westminster
Nick Moore

Thursday 6th March

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Report written by Nick Moore

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Ms D greeted me with an apology this morning - she hadn't been able to get to the bank, so her budget was largely limited to what remained of the change from last week's shop, which after a quick count of the notes and coins, came to £23.50 (plus a few coppers...) presented in a white envelope.

With this in mind, she'd done some pruning of her usual list, and between us we hoped what was in the envelope would be enough.

It's been a while since I've shopped with calculator (i.e. phone) in one hand, and deducted the cost of each item into the basket from the running total to keep an accurate score, but it all worked out in the end thanks to Ms D's budgeting skills, and in fact there was still some change in the envelope when I got back to her front door, which she was amazed about!

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