Tuesday 19th April 2022
Report written by Esther
Tonight we met as the rain came down in a light shower. So different to last few days of gorgeous sunshine!
We met at the task and headed around the back up a steep path to start the heart beating! Onto a nearby field where football teams were training.
The field, a rectangle shape, gave the perfect opportunity for a short speed session - jog along the long bit, speed up for a short section and repeat! Definitely one to blow tho9se Easter eggs away! Robert showing his sprinting legs, chased by the driven Maria!
Onto the local heathland and a lovely pathway through woods - we even saw horses in the fields, bridges to cross over and plenty of tree routes to dance around!
We headed back to the school under a heavy shower of rain but feeling refreshing good with cool air, water on our faces and earth beneath our feet!
At the school, we checked task details and cracked on with clearing the front carpark of moss and weeds. Starting with smaller tools and ending up with shovels and brooms and a wheelbarrow! Within 30 minutes we had a barrel full and had cleared away both sides in the car park. Team work at its finest! Lisa nearly swept up Robert in the process whilst Elizabeth was quick to dive into the bushes for some weeds!
We tidied away the tools and pushed the debris into the back area.
Unfortunately at this point we noticed a lot of children playing around the back and the gate open into the school garden. We got the kids out and locked the gate again. But whilst returning to the front, a group of children had started fighting each other and the police were called as we were concerned. We remained with the children until a parent arrived and we left the area, feeling a little despondent on the ending.
It's amazing how moods and feeling's can change so quickly depending on your environment and those around you.
As Goodgym runners we all have a shared goal of wanting to support our local community, runners are often relaxed personalities as they use positive energy towards tasks and fitness and for good of others. The energy from a Goodgym session is always positive vibes, driven and focused - we know completing tasks is exactly what helps our own mental health and wellbeing as well! We know how important it is to surround ourselves with the best type of people- we are the average of our 6 closest friends studies have found! Let's hope the young people tonight will in future find good crowds to be around and grow from there.
Help support a community garden to grow food & flowers and improve wellbeing in Hamworthy