Monday 22nd July 2019
Report written by JULIA GLEESON
Walking on sunshine
With the usual sunny Monday evening feeling that once again matched the weather, 11 of us made the final line up for tonight's walk, run and task.
It was really nice to welcome back Christina After a few months of honeymoon bliss she has come back to join us. We hope you enjoyed the session and will be back for more fun and fitness:)
Steve ,Barbara,Lucy ( fresh from planking) John, Belinda, Jay and Anne with Gill and Duncan catching us up a bit later, completed my team for the evening. Check out the headline photo today of our poster boys representing 'Dirty Gym' Thanks Tamsin for this strap line !
We set off on a 1 mile warm up run to one of our favourite tasks at May Close with Breathing Spaces. After a few worrying moments where I thought I had lost 8 of the team they all appeared sheepishly from different directions having gone on some unscheduled off piste variations on the recommended route.
When you consider that was in the course of 1 mile, anyone reading this run report may realise the challenge I have maintaining control of the this maverick ( but totally loveable) group !
Make compost not war
Arriving in dribs and drabs we were warmly welcomed by Lisa and Claire who must have been pleased that I reassured them that it wasn't just Gill ,Anne and me and that the rest of the team would (eventually) arrive. I did made a hasty phone call and stood on the corner looking worriedly for the red t shirts to appear around the corner before relief swept over me that they all finally rocked up.
The main feature of the evening was to make a new compost compound with some pallets. First the area had to be cleared which the team tucked into with gusto. Jay and Christina followed this with some raking and levelling whilst John, Belinda and Anne cut up the large pile of debris that was going to be returned into the newly sculpted area.
Meanwhile Gill had armed herself with her favourite tool together with Barbara and Steve who set about some fine pruning of the large ever green hedge that line the length of the allotment. In the meantime Lucy was 'quietly' getting on with her weeding and digging with some frequent heckling from John.
Toad you so
Duncan, who had tracked us down at the task, was busy gathering up the pruning debris came across a large, quite stunning toad who seemed happy to pose for a quick photo shoot before being released back to where it came from.
Steve and Jay used their manly muscle(!) to lever the pallets into place and secure them before the rest of the team piled all the content into the new compost compound.
With a finishing photo and fond farewell to Lisa and Claire the we made ourway back to the track at Worthing Leisure Centre for the weekly fitness session. Luckily there was no AWOL's on the return journey.
Pain my dues
The team were given the choice of 400 metre, 200 metre or 100 metre efforts around the track . This was an ideal session where everyone could work on running drills to work towards their own individual goals. I hope you like some of the photos I snapped. Lets see what John does with the photoshop app when he gets to work today :)
We finished with some core and yoga based stretches and a final team photo.
Congratulations to John on 2 x personal best time 5 k times in just 2 days ! Also well done to Lucy and Duncan on their 100 k training and to all of you who are working towards events and training goals . Watch this space for more updates.
Have a great week everyone.
Dates for your diary Monday 5th August post run / task summer social
Swim / drinks/ nibbles from 7:45pm onwards . All welcome.
Lots of GG love
Julia XX
Assisted gardening and access to nature for people with support needs.Experiencing nature and growing plants brings many benefits to health and wellbeing. For people who want to grow fruit and vegetables in a group, especially if they need motivation or have any support needs like mental health challenges, social isolation or economic disadvantage.
See moreTue 23rd Jul 2019 at 3:07pm
Totally read this 😍