Something that rotates beginning with "J"

3 Goodgymers helped their local community in Portsmouth
Geraldine Ramsay
Emma G
1 / 4

Saturday 10th April 2021

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Report written by Wilson

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Today we had Emma on temperatures, Geraldine in the corridor and Sarah in the waiting room. It was Geraldine's first time at the clinic, she was a bit surprised at how quiet it was but on the plus side it allowed us an opportunity to have a bit of a catch up. Not many takers for vaccinations this morning, but we managed to find things to pass the time. Kath opened a tin of Heroes which contained a word game. So we had to think of an answer beginning with a certain letter - quite easy when you have a more common letter. So we decided to pick a more tricky letter... "J". Something orange beginning with "J".... Julienne Carrots of course (Nice one Geraldine) and something that rotates beginning with "J".... Jupiter! (Nice one Emma!). Sarah wasn't so clever with the answers but did entertain herself by tidying the Wooden Landscape on the wall.

.... we also got bacon butties!!!!!

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Nore Barn Woods conservation
🗓Tomorrow 9:30am

Look after this precious woodland

Judy Knapp
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