Sunday 15th December 2024
Report written by Sevan
In the run up to Christmas, junior parkrun attendances tend to drop off. Despite the beautiful morning, there were only around 10 runners ready for the warm up at Pitshanger Juniors today.
Most of the remaining runners arrived just in time, with a few more who were a bit after time too. When the runners started, the tailwalkers, including Steph, didn't go anywhere. Run Director, Amanda, asked why they were chilling at the start and the responded by pointing to the last children, who were still preparing to set off.
The tailwalkers eventually got going, then 2 runners showed up even later. Two Thames Valley Harriers arrived 7 minutes after the start in neon socks and did a great job of catching the rest of the field, shooting past Harvey, Kash and Mohamed, who were marshaling the course.
The award for having the right priorities in life went to a little boy who was more interested in arithmetic and counting the cones leading up to the funnel than in crossing the line. He was being chased down by a girl behind and only just kept his place after lots of encouragement from volunteers and family to get moving, including Sevan who was timekeeping at the finish line. How many cones were there? Lots! Ah-Ah-Ah!
Sun 15th Dec 2024 at 7:19pm
What an excellent pun!
Supporting active communities and being part of a gresat vibe!