Sunday 2nd March
Report written by Kash
Ealing was lucky this weekend to enjoy the blue sky and soak under the shy sunshine of early Spring. After a busy Saturday, Sunday brought our GoodGymers another outdoor task, so great weather was appreciated by everyone. Continuing yesterday's trend, we had another visitor from GoodGym Hounslow: Kymm. Ealing was represented by the usual suspects: Sevan, Steph Ducat and Kash.
John and Heather from GPRA welcomed us with tea and led us to the area at the back, which - even after our last task in December - still looked more like a bike graveyard than a garden. John wanted to challenge the status quo and proposed a plan of action to further clear the space off bikes. The spare wheels were to be slotted in between the old fence and the sturdy fence erected by the council. The interesting fact about the fence predating the council one was that the holes in it were taking almost as much space as the remaining wire!
While Steph and Sevan were assembling bike wheels into an art installation, Kymm spotted something blinking under the leaves on the paving.
- Is this a firefly?
- Do we have fireflies in London?
- I don't know!
The flashing object turned out to be a bike light - not as much a surprise as a firefly would have been!
The bikes occupying the space were not the only things the garden would have been better without. The GoodGymers scooped the copious amounts of leaves, creatively using a bin cover as a dustpan. When the green wheelie bin was full to the brim, the teammates took turns to jump or dance on the top to compress the contents*.
Despite all the efforts put into the wild hopping, the wheelie bin was not bottomless, so Heather went to fetch her green bin along with the cutting tools for GoodGymers to deal with the spiky branches found between the bikes. New equipment inspired our team to cut down the ivy, which in counter-offense threw some pollen into our eyes!
We finished when Heather's wheelie bin was full and all the bikes were stacked on one side. The next step might be disassembling one of the bike racks or maybe painting the garden benches. Watch this space for another session at the GPRA Hall!
* No wheelie bins were injured during this GoodGym session is a small volunteer run organisation in the Dormers Wells ward of LBEaling. It is a charity whose purpose is to improve the lives/ environment of local people and the community hall is a central feature of this.
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Get children active and having fun on a Sunday morning