You cant pack flatter than a GoodGym packer

2 Goodgymers helped their local community in Leeds
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Thursday 4th March 2021

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Report written by York runner

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With only two runners attending Baby Bank at St. Johns Centre, masked and distanced, we were shown their assortment of donated equipment and left to it.

With a fairly meagre toolkit bolstered by as many screwdrivers as I could grab on the way out of the house, we had two tasks today. Number one was- to dissasemble as many moses basket frames as possible and then effectively flatpack the the components up so that they could be collected by recipients and fit in cars more easily.

Eighteen flatpacked frames later and getting towards the end of our time, task two was to to try and match up as many components to try and assemble donated cot & bed frames received without fixings, to see if they could be brought back into use, after much matching of cot sides and frames to ends and bases to bed heads unfortunately we found that the majority of the sets had really specific fixings to fix them together and they couldn't easily bring them back in to use.

Apologies for the photos, from the task listing I wasn't expecting to write the report.

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Gardening at Seacroft Forest Garden
🗓Today 10:00am

It will improve the local area

LauraDiniJoshua Note
3 GoodGymers are going - 12 spaces left! 👀