You gotta roll with it

15 Goodgymers helped their local community in Wandsworth
Sophie Humphrey
Jamal Durant-Inniss
Eva Pass
Kavya Jagan
Calum Fowler
Joao Fernandes
Annabel Richardson
Catherine Moore
Stephanie Stevenson
Matthew Stuart
Anastasia Hancock
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Monday 30th January 2023

Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock


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Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

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Today officially marks the end of the January challenge, but there is still one more day to get those good deeds in! GoodGym Wandsworth has done an amazing job - we've smashed our target of 1200 kms. We're just 12 good deeds short of our target of our 100. Why not have a look if there is something going on that you can get to today and just maybe we can make that happen!

Great to see you all in slightly warmer conditions last night. Our initial plan was to clear the garden at the brilliant Waste Not Want Not charity - an organisation which stops perfectly good food being thrown away and instead uses it to feed the local community - but Hadas had other ideas for us.

The charity has been working on a new dining area which needed to be painted. That's where we came in! Grabbing all the rollers and any tool we could lay our hands on we got cracking. Calum and Jamal took on the room next to the kitchen, Sophie, Jordan and Catherine were in the lobby, while everybody else squeezed into the kitchen area. Meanwhile Steph heroically tackled a monster pile of washing up in the kitchen.

It was another GG transformation, as within 45 minutes the place was freshly painted, looking brighter and more welcoming for local people. Way to go team.

There was just time to squeeze in some very tough but very effective tabata in the park before taking on that hill on our way back for stretches.

There's lots of fun social stuff coming up, as well as plenty of sessions to get involved in. Next week we're planning on entering (winning) a local pub quiz after our group run, all the details are here.

Have a great week GoodGym - and don't forget, one more day to reach our 100 good deed target!

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*New regular community mission!* Helping out at the Doddington community garden kids club
🗓Thursday 4:00pm

Can you spare an hour to help inner city kids enjoy this outdoor community space