Thursday 6th March
Written by Nick Moore
Ms D greeted me with an apology this morning - she hadn't been able to get to the bank, so her budget was largely limited to what remained of the change from last week's shop, which after a quick count of the notes and coins, came to £23.50 (plus a few coppers...) presented in a white envelope.
With this in mind, she'd done some pruning of her usual list, and between us we hoped what was in the envelope would be enough.
It's been a while since I've shopped with calculator (i.e. phone) in one hand, and deducted the cost of each item into the basket from the running total to keep an accurate score, but it all worked out in the end thanks to Ms D's budgeting skills, and in fact there was still some change in the envelope when I got back to her front door, which she was amazed about!
Tuesday 4th March
Written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)
The oldest youth club in the world, St Andrew's, is always a buzz of activity offering every kind of club imaginable to local children - from cookery to judo to chess and everything in between! When we arrived the pancake making was happening in the kitchen, the speaker was pumping and boxing club was in full swing. It's amazing to see, but with all the kit needed to make it happen, space is at a premium in this central London location. That meant our job for the evening was to help create some more!
We were taken upstairs to the storage room at the top of the centre to find an area full to the brim with boxes, school uniform, frames and many racquets!
We wasted no time getting everything sorted into piles and sorting out the contents of the boxes. There were many questions along the way. What was the mysterious plastic implement, where were we going to put all the empty frames, and why had Jayson (year 6) abandoned his homework?
Before long we had made a big difference and there was a lot of new floor space to show for our efforts. Next week we're back handing out food to rough sleepers, hope to see you there!
Thursday 27th February
Written by Nick Moore
As we approach St David's day, it seemed suitably appropriate that on Ms D's list today was a request for 1 small leek - rather like the conversation of a few weeks ago involving a "small tin of beans", we used (suitably family appropriate) hand gestures to try and arrive at what constituted a small leek in Ms D's reckoning...
Hopefully I chose wisely from the large selection that was available in the world's politest supermarket this morning - I'm sure I'll get user feedback in due course if she felt it didn't quite fit the specification. Quiet aisles, a bit of sunshine, no unexpected human induced dramas in the store, a completed list and no queue at the checkout made it a pleasant experience all round.
Tuesday 25th February
Written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)
So great to have Emma and Andy along to help deliver food to rough sleepers in Victoria last night as we needed as many pair of hands as possible to transport the massive haul of delicious food!
We started off with the first leg pick up at a local bakery and came away with masses of different bread - rolls, baguettes and loaves.
After a bit of chaotic map reading (sorry team) we managed to locate the Under One Sky group who were walking with food and hot drinks, handing then out to who ever needed a bit of help.
The second pit stop was Pret, who truly came up with the goods! Loads of salads, sandwiches, toasties and even some freshly baked croissants -the tempting scent of which followed us the whole walk back to Under One Sky! On the way we discussed who preferred sweet or savoury. It was one vote from Emma who put in an extra vote for donuts, one for savoury from me, and one undecided from Andy who said that he did not discriminate between the two!
Next week we're back doing more good in Westminster by helping out at a local youth club - see you there!
Thursday 20th February
Written by Nick Moore
After last week's conversation with Ms D about her plans for sausage and mash, I was pleased to see that this week both ingredients were on the list, although I did have to clarify if her request really was for just one potato (it was..."for mashing"). Armed with an envelope of largely loose change accumulated from previous week's shopping visits, it proved to be a straightforward trek around the quiet aisles, with only the bare shelves of mint dark chocolate letting us down on today's list.
Tuesday 18th February
Written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)
It was another chilly night in Westminster, which made it even more clear that our regular task helping distribute clothes and bedding on the Strand makes a big impact.
Thankfully we had plenty of hands on deck, and it was brilliant to be able to welcome Andy and Louise to their first ever session great to have you both join us!
It's a popular spot for getting resources like hot food and other donations to those that need it most, so it was pretty hectic! We didn't have to wait long for Andrea to arrive with her van, and soon got to work.
With Khai jumping into the van to help get the boxes out in some sort of order, the rest of us hauled the clothes and bedding across the street to hang them out in a makeshift fashion display! We soon had jackets, trousers, sleeping bags and shoes out for people to choose what they needed most.
The time flew by, and before long most of the donations had been handed out. Great work everybody!
Next week we'll be meeting at Victoria to pick up and transport surplus food to rough sleepers - hope to see you there!