

Good Deeds

Cheers given
Cheers received

Doing good since November 2024

Verification in progress

0 Month Streak

Verification in progress

0 Month Streak

Done a group run this month

1 Month Streak

Community Cape
GoodGym Runner


Block or report Dini

Dini's next session


Gardening at Seacroft Forest Garden
🗓Today 10:00am

📍263 South Parkway LS14 6HA

It will improve the local area

LauraDiniJoshua Note
3 GoodGymers are going - 12 spaces left! 👀
Latest activity
Dini signed up to a group run.

Wed 9th Apr at 6:00pm

Dini signed up to a group run.

Wed 26th Mar at 5:45pm

Heart clean, Sound Bath & a drink

It will support Heart in providing a safe, clean nursery space

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Dini went on a community mission

Sat 1st Mar at 12:00pm

Twisted firestarter

Leeds Report written by Helen Noyes

A beautiful sunny task at Bedford Fields must be the reward for all the cold, dark evenings we have endured here over the winter. We were tasked with digging a wide border for future terracing to stop the soil migrating onto the footpath. Jubz was co-opted by Beth to collect firewood from the old dead hedge and use this to light the firepit. This played to his strengths as a self-confessed arsonist...

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Dini signed up to a community mission.

Sun 9th Mar at 10:00am

Dini signed up to a community mission.

Sat 1st Mar at 12:00pm

The Big Yard Build & Gardening at Bedford Fields

It will help to get the garden ready for spring

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Dini earned their community cape by completing their first community mission. 🥳

Saturday 25th January

Community Cape

Community Cape

Dini earned their community cape by completing their first community mission.

Dini completed a community mission. Instead of watching TV or lying in bed, Dini was out there making their community a better place to be. For making that choice they have earned the community cape.

Dini has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🤩

Saturday 25th January

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Dini has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Dini is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Dini went on a community mission

Sat 25th Jan at 12:30pm

Art is in the eye of the brush-holder

Leeds Report written by Laura

This afternoon, 10 members of GoodGym Leeds headed down to the new 21 Cafe in Kirkstall to help prepare for their opening with some painting tasks.

21 Co. is part of Sunshine & Smiles, the Leeds Down Syndrome Network. Sunshine & Smiles provides a support network in Leeds for children and young people who have Down Syndrome and their families. Until they were founded by a small group of parents, Leeds did not have a support network to help children and families living with Down Syndrome.

21 Cafe are two cafes and a shop based in Leeds, run for and by people with Down Syndrome to offer training and work experience with the aim of creating job opportunities.

Welcome to newcomers Hannah, Elspeth, Charley & Dini. We hope to see you again soon.

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Dini signed up to a community mission.

Sat 25th Jan at 12:30pm