1 Month Streak
Block or report Emily Cotterill
Tue 14th Jan at 6:20pm
Cardiff Report written by Darren
12 Goodgym folks headed to Cwtch together to take on the latest Tuesday task(s). We split up to cover the different tasks - Jonathan, Flo, Emily, Flo, and Kerry worked inside on bleaching the hall floor. Don't worrry baby, it looked prestine by the time it was done.
God only knows why but Darren was allowed to sand down the door to try and make it open easier. He was giving off some dust and a lot of good vibrations.
The rest of the team weren't surfin' USA, they were busy outside clearing the driveway of weeds and clutter. Wouldn't it be nice if weeds didn't exist!
Goodgym really get around...... after team photo it was time to run back to the Glassworks for a games night, where we all had Fun Fun Fun.
Happy January
Tue 14th Jan at 5:55pm
Cardiff Report written by Nathan Swain
The recent sub zero temperatures may have moved on but GG Cardiff still managed to find and clear some snow during its recent litter pick (in the form of a see through resealable bag). It went into the rubbish bags alongside the usual cans, bottles, vapes and cigarette packets.
7 Goodgymers turned out for the pre group run pick and cleared another 3 bags of litter from the city's streets
Tue 14th Jan at 6:20pm
Tue 7th Jan at 6:20pm
Cardiff Report written by Michael
Our second group task and a litter pick back on the cards. Unfortunately, we had some last minute moves this week. But January is the month of the litter pick in Cardiff, with our traditional litter pick relay taking place every year where we pick everyday of the month.
Our route tonight took us to the back of the train station,.... Fancy. And then, over the industrial area and to the embankment again.
On the way we had an explosion of coffee from Emma "the gripper" Wilkins and found several strange items, including a bike seat. And it just got stranger as we hit the embankment, and we found lettuce, cabbage, and for the fancy.. Romaine lettuce. As we questioned why they were there, and in such large quantities, we also spotted the parsnips from last week! This is a strange dinner.
There are Swans around the area, although tonight they were all hidden and huddled under the bridge.
But Michael stated "Swans don’t eat parsnips, nor do rats" the title of his new book available soon on download ONLY. 🤣 And please don't write in.... Yes rats can eat parsnips.
As we discussed the the cold, and why wouldn't we? The use of the word nip came up... What a strange word it is.
Nippy When it comes to the British synonyms for cold, ‘nippy’ is a very popular term.
First Known Use
Verb (1)
15th century, to catch hold of and squeeze tightly between two surfaces, edges, or points : pinch, bite "the dog nipped his ankle"
Noun (1)
1549, something that nips: such as
a archaic : a sharp biting comment b: a sharp stinging cold c: a biting or pungent flavor : tang
But let's end on an additional learning note.... Ducks prefer romaine lettuce..