0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
2 Month Streak
Mon 18th Nov at 6:15pm
Newcastle Report written by Damu
A big warm welcome to Stefani on her first Goodgym session.
We were tasked with an old favourite of ours, giving the arena a big 'ol spruce up. This involves getting rid of cobwebs, dusting down barriers, and having a ride on the EV, much to Jacks delight!
Once we were finished up there, we had a quick love in with the horses, before cleaning out their grooming bags.
We rounded off a lovely evening by having a group photo with the deliciously cute pony, who was the mane attraction for sure!
Sat 16th Nov at 10:00am
Newcastle Report written by Aimee (she/her)
Six GoodGymers helped Urban Green in Elswick Park on a surprising mild and sunny autumn morning. We arrived at the park and couldn't find Urban Green after Chris cycled cycled round the entire park and still couldn't find the van we were a bit stumped. Luckily Tomsaved the day by nipping home picking up some litter pickers, bin bags and a sweeping brush.
Chris had to head off shortly after with no we where to leave his bike. The rest of us littered picked for an hour in the park and along the road at the top, collecting 8 bags of litter between us with me and Jack emptying our bags into the bins and and continuing on.
Tom got really into sweeping leaves off the path at the top of the park and made a friend who helped him push the leaves out of the path and was shocked that he was helping out despite not living on that road.
Even thought the task didn't go according to plan we were pleased with out litter picking efforts and the difference we had made. Well done Ellie on her first good deed with GoodGym! Ellie also found the most random litter of the day a random plastic bag of lentils!
Sam and Tom had been singing praises of FAB bakery last week and this week and as it wasn't too far away most of us ended up pop there afterwards to stock up on sour dough bread (which they slice for you) and enjoy sweet treats.
Sat 9th Nov at 10:00am
Newcastle Report written by Aimee (she/her)
Seven goodgymers helped Urban Green with bulb planting in St Lawrence Park on a crisp and damp autumn morning.
Urban Green supplied a massive bag of daffodil bulbs which when thrown over a shoulder the wearer looked a lot like an economical santa delivering the present of future flowers.
The actual task was pretty simple anyone taking a channel of a grass slope each and dig a hole for the bulb and then cover it back over. After a tea break half way though we moved on to another grass area in the park where we all took a a section and planned a strip of bulbs.
Unfortunately no before and after pictures as the daffodils will flower in the spring or possibly the one after if deep enough! Hopefully we will get to see the fruits, or flowers, of our labour then.
We are back helping Urban Green in Elswick Park the 16th of November if you want to come along and get involved!
Monday 4th November
Jack Laughton completed 5 good deeds with GoodGym.
Jack is a now a pretty committed GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the fifth time
Mon 4th Nov at 6:15pm
Newcastle Report written by Anji Andrews (she/her)
It didn’t actually feel that long since we were last at WERS, the brilliant West End Refugee service, and when I looked at tonight’s sign ups it gave me a sense of Deja vu! The only new addition was Jack, and a great new addition he was. We met at One Strawberry Lane, our brilliant hub which I think will just get cosier as winter creeps in.
The standard quick catch up on the weekend’s sessions and news before it was time to set off. As it was almost even split of runners and walkers, I decided to flip the session tonight and do the fitness session first, making good use of St James’ Park steps! Heart rates raised and legs definitely feeling warmer, we then made it the short journey uphill to WERS where thankfully everything we needed was waiting for us. WERS is an amazing organisation in the west end, supporting refugees in our city with all kinds of support they need. We’d been asked back tonight to continue clearing and tidying up the back garden.
Tonight was one of those simple, satisfying tasks that truly made a difference. Under the epic floodlights- expertly perched in the trees thanks to Tom, we armed ourselves with rakes and brushes and set about clearing the garden which was almost knee-deep in leaves. Everyone put their backs into it while discussing the Halloween weekend gone by.
Before long the paths and gardens were cleared and the grass was once again visible. I think the task owner and service users will definitely see a difference tomorrow. This was one of those classic GoodGym sessions where team work makes a real impact.
Tuesday 29th October
Jack Laughton been cheered 10 times.
Goodgymers have noticed what Jack has done and have cheered them 10 times. We doff out caps to you Jack.