Lucien Dobel-Ober



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Lucien Dobel-Ober
Lucien Dobel-Ober (He/Him) signed up to a group run.

Mon 2nd Dec at 6:30pm

Helping Out at Liverpool Sunflowers

Improving spaces for people living with cancer

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Lucien Dobel-Ober
Lucien Dobel-Ober (He/Him) done 50 good deeds and got their black t-shirt 🤩

Monday 25th November

Black T-Shirt

Black T-Shirt

Lucien Dobel-Ober (He/Him) done 50 good deeds and got their black t-shirt

The next time you see Lucien, they might be wearing black instead of red. They've completed 50 good deeds with GoodGym and have earnt their black t-shirt. Give them a nod when you next see them.

Harvey GallagherEma Quinn
Lucien Dobel-Ober
Lucien Dobel-Ober (He/Him) went on a group run

Mon 25th Nov at 6:30pm

Time for Change!

Liverpool Report written by Siân Phillips (she/her)

This evening we were back to help the Sunflowers organisation, a brilliant charity providing support for people living with cancer in Liverpool. Sophie ran and Pauline cycled to join the rest of the group at Sunflowers, where we enjoyed the unusual luxury of a task indoors in the light and warmth! We split up into two groups, with one group working on cleaning and painting the walls in the toilets, and the other group organising a delivery of T-shirts by size, and sorting and counting change from an overflowing donation bucket. We counted out a grand total of £312.61, with Ellie winning the glory of making the closest guess to the total. After another fun task, two members deserve special shout-outs. A huge well done to Lucien on his fiftieth task, and to Afrah who came to Sunflowers straight from a vigil in memory of victims of abuse on this International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls.

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Harvey GallagherEma Quinn
Lucien Dobel-Ober
Lucien Dobel-Ober (He/Him) signed up to a group run.

Mon 25th Nov at 6:30pm

Helping Out at Liverpool Sunflowers

Improving spaces for people living with cancer

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Ema Quinn
Lucien Dobel-Ober
Lucien Dobel-Ober (He/Him) went on a community mission

Sat 23rd Nov at 11:30am

Harvey GallagherEma Quinn

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Mon 11th Nov at 12:22am

Hey want to make it but might be late as I have a course till 11am

Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn (She/her)

Mon 11th Nov at 12:27am

I'm sure you can join us towards the end for the final clear up Heetu. I'll double check for you and let you know x

Lucien Dobel-Ober
Lucien Dobel-Ober (He/Him) went on a group run

Mon 11th Nov at 6:30pm

An evening (bake)well spent!

Liverpool Report written by Sophie McClellan

3 runners met on Hope Street to embark upon a 2 mile run to Lark Lane, where we were met by Helen from Lake Lane Neighbourhood Association and 3 more goodgymmers.

Armed with pickers and hoops we set of into the night to clean up the Lane. At first it appeared that there wasn't too much litter, but, before long we realised our bags were getting heavy and we had, in fact, managed to gather six full bags!

Find of the night goes to Jo who happened upon a whole bakewell tart!

Sadly, having not bought bakewell tarts of our own, we left hungry but satisfied with a job well done. Brilliant work from everyone to leave the streets of Liverpool that bit neater and tidier.

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Ema QuinnHarvey Gallagher
Lucien Dobel-Ober
Lucien Dobel-Ober (He/Him) signed up to a community mission.

Sat 23rd Nov at 11:30am

Suppprting Savera UK | March to End HBA 2024

Keeping the route clear of litter as they march

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Lucien Dobel-Ober
Lucien Dobel-Ober (He/Him) signed up to a group run.

Mon 11th Nov at 6:30pm

Lark Lane Litterpick

Keeping Lark Lane and the surrounding area litter free!

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Lucien Dobel-Ober
Lucien Dobel-Ober (He/Him) went on a community mission

Sat 9th Nov at 11:00am

Ema Quinn

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John Shirley

Mon 30th Sep at 4:01pm

Not quite summer any more tbh

Lucien Dobel-Ober
Lucien Dobel-Ober (He/Him) signed up to a community mission.

Sat 9th Nov at 11:00am

Helping Friends of St James Gardens - Garden tidy up!

Working towards caring for this long neglected historic green space, much loved and valued by the local community.

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Ema Quinn
