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Deborah Skinner
Deborah Skinner went on a group run

Mon 19th Jun 2017 at 6:45pm

West London. Together we stand.

Brent Report written by Ellie Hutch

Today in solemn contemplation and hearts filled with empathy and love, 13 Goodgym runners from Brent, ran through postcodes and 2 neighbour boroughs, to give what we could and pay respect to the community, survivors and victims of Grenfell Tower.

It was a humbling sight to behold when my eyes fell upon the group I call my GG family who showed up in droves to run 5k to Grenfell. Running to pay respect and give what we could in donations and volunteering.

Lighting our route was the most beautiful of setting suns, which made us smile although our hearts were heavy and with a mission to Avenues Youth Centre on our minds, the run, despite the heat was swift if not a little sweaty.

Arriving at Avenues we were greeted so warmly by the manager Carol and even though this time their volunteer needs were already met, we did make some amazing contacts and perhaps arrange for one or two of our crew to support their future fundraising in the way of running the London marathon..... I just have to figure out how to convince the team to do it.

So turning on our heels again and catching the last of the glows of sun as it set over the beautiful canal, we head towards Latimer Road and the main memorial sight for Grenfell.

Now I am not littering this run report with catchy puns and tom foolery because this was so not what this run was about. We were in solidarity, in mourning and in partnership with every other human being who was and have been there, making the effort, yesterday, today and tomorrow!

In fact, just speaking with the community we understood that they would continue to need massive support for the next few weeks, if not more, especially when the media attentions will surely begin to ease off and they don't want people to forget the need that will be there. So people must continue to reach out for many weeks and months to come.

So with this in mind, we linked up with Sister Ruth, the incredible community leader who was taking charge of organisations, from the church on Latimer Road. We pledged to be back, both as individuals and as a team, because this may not be our borough, but this is our London and we must erase borough lines and postcodes, to show unity, love and understanding. To give back to this significant and life altering community cause and demonstrate we will not stand for how these people have been treated. It must be talked about, it mustn't be forgotten and it cannot happen again!

Our final goodbye was in a song, shared with some of the other mourners and Sister Ruth. We sang together Amazing Grace and as we sang, we lit our candles and said personal and quiet prayers, for all who had been lost and for all those suffering now from this terrible tragedy.

I urge you if you haven't, please go there, because no news article or TV broadcast can convey the true heartbreak of this community in mourning.

Together we stand.

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Peter Van Tongeren
Removed User
Removed User been to three different GoodGym areas. 😎

Wednesday 7th June 2017



Removed User been to three different GoodGym areas.

A Tourist likes nothing better than exploring new areas and meeting new people, and that's what Removed has been doing. Removed has been to three different GoodGym areas now - nice!

Sarah MoorePatrick LuongVaron LewisDave Mansfield
Andy went on a group run

Wed 7th Jun 2017 at 6:45pm

We dust chaired the load

Hounslow Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

As well as lovely Hounslow regulars Claudia, Dave and Andy, we had some excellent GG tourism going on last night in the shape of Debs all the way from Bristol, and Jo and Ella from Wandsworth. You are all marvellous and deserve a cheer!

Well done to Dave, who did Osterley Park Run last weekend - apparently it's a good one if you like running on grass - and to Jo who tackled (a frustratingly short) Southwark. Good luck to Debs, who has a 10k race coming up this weekend. Check out these speed demons! Don't forget park runs are a great, free way to improve your 5k time; they are all over the country and are really friendly events.

While we were doing our warm up, we discussed which famous person, dead or alive, we would like to take out for a drink. We got David Attenborough, Al Pacino, Terry Pratchett, Bon Jovi, Thierry Henri and Stephen Hawking. Now that's a dinner party I'd like to attend!

We set off for Ealing Road Baptist Church at a nice trot, with Andy and Dave leading the charge. We usually help the pastor, Roger, out with the homeless shelter he hosts every weekend for local men, but this week we were doing a few jobs in the church building. While Ella and Jo got to work shifting a whole load of chairs (and haing a philisophical discussion about heartbreak with the pastor), Debs, Dave, Andy and Claudia were led down the stairs into a small, dusty cellar. You brave people. The job there was a tough one - to clear the cellar of junk and debris. It was really hard going, dirty work, and a bit confined, so we swapped over halfway (apart from poor Dave who heroically did both shifts!). Well done team, you earned your stripes tonight.

Cleaning up done, we set off back to Turnham Green to do a quick but intense fitness session. The run back was quicker than the outward leg, which is great going. We kicked off our session with a quick game of chase the hare. The idea is that nobody knows who the hare is except the hare themselves. Everybody sets off on a loop, and at any point the hare makes a sprint for home, and the other runners have to chase them back. Jo was our speedy target, and everybody made a jolly good effort chasing her down. It's a great way to do a little speed work. If that wasn't enough, we then took on a round of upper body circuits. These included press ups, both wide arm and diamond, tricep dips, side planks and regular planks for 45 seconds at a time. This is a difficult session, but really effective for toning up those upper body muscles.

All that was left was some nice stretches and a quick relax on the grass to end off the night. Well done to everybody who came from near and far, the goodest of gymers! Same again next week? You can sign up here

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Anastasia Hancock

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Bristol runner

Thu 8th Jun 2017 at 12:51pm

Top pun and thanks for a super GG evening, I compare it to a tropical cocktail containing all of my favourite ingredients. :)

Anastasia Hancock

Thu 8th Jun 2017 at 3:37pm

That's so lovely Debs! And a treat for us to have you along. Although you have put me in mind of cocktails now... ;)

Removed User
Removed User done 50 good deeds and got their black t-shirt 🎉

Tuesday 25th April 2017

Black T-Shirt

Black T-Shirt

Removed User done 50 good deeds and got their black t-shirt

The next time you see Removed, they might be wearing black instead of red. They've completed 50 good deeds with GoodGym and have earnt their black t-shirt. Give them a nod when you next see them.

Bianca JakubowskiFrances PowrieRuth TaylorSimon LoughranJack Wong

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Simon Loughran

Tue 25th Apr 2017 at 11:23am

Yes! Well done!

Ruth Taylor

Tue 25th Apr 2017 at 11:39am

Nice one Isabella!

Patrick Luong

Tue 25th Apr 2017 at 9:10pm

Deja vu! Well done and enjoy your two new tee shirts

Deborah Skinner
Deborah Skinner went on a group run

Mon 24th Apr 2017 at 6:45pm

A Grand-Ville Day Out!

Brent Report written by Ellie Hutch

On the last Monday of the month, GG Brent tackled timber, banished branches, cropped & chopped, then hopped their way to a tasty 6k. All in a days work for the West London tribe. That's definitely what I'd call a Grandville day out POW POW

What a happy GG leader I was to be greeted by the always smiling faces of my delicious gang of Brent beauties this Monday night and can you Adam and Eve it, this week we had not one, not two but three brilliant boys YAYYYYYYY.

Even, the threat of an impending down-pour, was still no deterrent for my fierce force of favourites as we laced up and braced ourselves for the wet and wild whisk over to Carlton Vale for our goodgym antics for the night.

However, to our delight, as we stepped outside base camp, the skies had cleared and a lovely sunset was all that guided us the 2 mile jaunt over to south Kilburn for our terrific task for the night - The chop and pop operation of the Granville Community sites gardens!

So what was it all about then, I hear you cry???? Well, Grandville is this amazing centre, that serves the local community in so many ways. Believing that everyone no matter circumstance has the right to fresh, good quality, nutritious food, they serve their patrons via their community allotments, community cooking nights, classes and feasts and school education programmes. Food for though wouldn't you say

Upon arrival our fantastic host Leslie explained the deeds we had in store for our 45min blast and let me tell you, there were plenty!! The strenuous task of yanking out dead tree roots, the sawing and chopping out of control bushes and the ever so yucky stamping down of the compost Debs and I got our hands dirty with this one. *NICE***

Without further-a-do, the team set to work with magical momentum, wasting no time at all and grabbing all the tools that Leslie could throw at us. Special credit must go to Sam, who with his own bear hands yanked out not one but two massive tree roots, which was no easy Roots Manoeuvre I can tell you!

As the time etched away the team cracked on, with Sean and Dan sawing their way through the devilish nasties of the blackberry spikes. Laura, Sam and Amy the dream Yank and Pull team and Enrique, Debs and Myself busying ourselves with the clear up and stack jobs leftover, but of course not leaving out time for tom-foolery in the bushes!!! Standard antics And after a genuine back-breaking 40mins, the clear up and clear out was upon us and out the gates we did boost, wishing our hosts a fond farewell, with our echoes of See you sooonnnn singing in the air.

I think it's safe to say we we came, we tasked and we conquered that garden (for this week anyway) but there is plenty more work to be done, so we will most definitely be back. Not only to get our revenge on the Blackberry branches, who managed to give me personally one final leg jab on the way out!! OUCH

So with 2 miles left to dash, the team set to running and funning all the way home and with more boys in the mix this week, the boisterousness banter was upped a level, with Enrique and Sam chasing and racing each other all the way home!!

Not wet Hurrah but most definitely wild, thank you team for yet another wonderfully, weird and fun filled week in Brent!

See you next time!!!!


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Removed User
Removed User signed up to a group run.

Mon 24th Apr 2017 at 6:45pm

Removed User
Removed User completed their first weekend mission. 🎉

Thursday 13th April 2017

Mission Possible

Mission Possible

Removed User completed their first weekend mission.

Removed has forgone the usual weekend routine. Instead of lie-ins, roasts and strolls around the park Removed has dropped everything to run a GoodGym mission for someone who needed help. Respect

Graham Atkins
Danica PriestVaron Lewis
Removed User
Removed User run their first missions with GoodGym. 🥳

Thursday 13th April 2017

Mission accomplished

Mission accomplished

Removed User run their first missions with GoodGym.

Removed has just done something they've never done before. Removed has just run a mission; they've changed their running route and run to help someone who really needed their help.

Varon Lewis
Mavis Williams
Mavis Williams went on a group run

Mon 10th Apr 2017 at 6:45pm

Goodgym Bexley Paints The Town White......

Well, maybe not the town but an inside shop wall to help Greenwich & Bexley Hospice get there shop refurbishment a step forward. This week I was so pleased to have three new faces on our run and task. Welcome Mavis, Jane and Caz, I really hope you enjoyed yourselves. We certainly enjoyed having you. After signing in we went into our mandatory pre-run chat and warmup. Well done Fidellis for winning the prize of 10 star jumps In our favourite car competition. Serves you right for having expensive tastes 😂. On warming up (remember we warm up to run, not run to warm up) we headed out of base camp Crooklog and straight up towards Welling. There's something quite satisfying about running and dodging commuters as they head home and we head to do our good deed. On arrival we were greeted with smiling faces and refreshing water, thanks Mandy. It's at this point we go from runners to good deeders and got stuck straight in to the task. With a team cutting in and a team rolling , the hardest part for me was stopping the guys painting my beard whiter then what it all ready is. Little did they know pay back would be on our run home. <Little did they know pay back would be on the run home
With the gang doing a brilliant job it was left to our tallest member Fidellis to finish off all the areas at the top. After admiring our professional workman ship and posing for photo's (think we're getting pretty good at that) it was time to say our good byes and head back to base camp Crooklog. With this weeks runners being of all abilities we set a meet up point at Welling Football Club for our first fitness drill. Thanks Eilleen and Janine for looking after the front group, you guys were brilliant as always. As we arrived at Welling FC, pay back for the attempted beard painting was due and it started in the form of wall squats, ouch!! <As we arrived at Welling FC, pay back for the attempted beard painting was due. After a competitive sit off ** we were off again and to **my delight soon came across perfect walls for my wall press ups and tricep dip drills. Payment was due, and the debt was going to be paid in full 😂 After doing our bingo wing destroying exercises it was just a short run back to Crooklog for our cool down and natter on how it all went. Bexley Goodgymers you were brilliant as always. I really enjoyed your company and can't wait to do it all again next week.............. Last but not least Happy Birthday Tanya hope you had an awesome day 🎉

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Tim Dickson

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Jackie Morgan

Wed 12th Apr 2017 at 9:18am

It was a fantastic challenge . The buzz you get is unreal and a worthy cause. Well done to all

William Dowsett
William Dowsett went on a mission

Sat 8th Apr 2017 at 11:00am
