Saturday 18th January
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Jade
Goodgym Merton officially launched with a bang (or rather, a lot of enthusiastic clearing, wrecking and digging!) at our inaugural group session.
With an amazing turnout including guest appearances from Councillor Caroline Cooper Marbiah and Merton Council everyone was full of energy and quickly got to work clearing the area of debris and unwanted items. Within minutes we had made space ready to hack into the foliage and dismantle the decking.
Undeterred by the inevitable mud we were soon rolling up sleeves and removing layers as things warmed up with the unearthing of hidden treasures (including a rat tunnel).
In less than half the allotted time we had filled the large skip to the brim, cut down a tree and levelled the soil, proving that even the most daunting projects can be conquered with a bit of teamwork. Plenty of time left to celebrate our first group effort success and chat over tea and brioche buns, courtesy of the Community Fridge.
What a mud-tastic morning and start to the weekend. Fancy joining us with a future task - keep checking our sessions page and/or follow us on social media @goodgymmerton.
Sustainable Merton is proud to bring to you Merton’s Community Fridge, which aims to redistribute to the Merton community surplus food from local businesses and food growers, ultimately stopping tonnes of good quality food from going to waste.
See moreMerton
Making the space more attractive will lift the spirits of local people and improve the area for biodiversity.