Cutting Loos at the Haven

25 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bristol
Paul Becker
David Head
Aideen Kearney
Ellie Fry
Jessica Huzzey
Hugh Stanley
Julie M
Julia Carolina Bergamin Nichols
Cora Boo
Liam Scott
Jack Clarkson
David Schlaphorst
Caroline Thomas
Christopher Lewis
Melanie Young
Richard Breakspear
1 / 23

Saturday 10th February 2018

Paul Becker
Paul Becker


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Report written by Paul Becker (he/him)

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Two destinations today:

The Haven

It may have been a bit drizzly today but our first visit to the Haven last month suggested we could at least be sure of a warm welcome there - and indeed we arrived to find Julia and Alistair smiling and ready to greet us. What's more, they had set up THREE tasks to keep us warm and busy.

Task one was to level off a newly dug patch of earth so it could act as a solid base for a yurt. Working with a wooden guide and spirit level, the yurt crew used spades and rakes to evenly distribute the soil. Meanwhile, as a bonus task, Caroline and Darren worked off to the side cutting back the surrounding brambles.

Task two involved cutting out a hole in the ground to site a compost toilet. The heavy clay based soil made this hard work, particularly when the group struck iron (corrugated iron) and had to fill it in and begin again. They did have some feathered company though as a resident duck and hen took a keen interest in anything edible that they excavated.

Finally, Alistair led a third group in constructing a dead wood hedge which I have to say looked quite beautiful when it was completed!

Well done everyone on working so hard, especially after a long run uphill - and big thanks to Haven for finding so much interesting stuff for us to do again.

Incidentally, the photo of Matt pointing shows how nicely tucked away the Haven water supply is now courtesy of the channel we dug for them last month.

Thanks to Matt for leading a group back and to Maria for back marking.

The Berry Maze

Raluca got in touch with me a week or two ago to see if we could send a team to help her make some repairs to the Berry maze after it had sadly suffered from a bit of vandalism just before Christmas last year. We spent some fun mornings helping to construct the maze last autumn so I was keen to help but we had already set a date for the Haven.

Luckily, longtime Saturday run leader Godfather Dave stepped in and agreed to take a craCK team of maze repairers over to help.

As it turns out, the poles had just been replaced by the time they arrived, but Dave's team were still able to repair the wire and then grab wheelbarrows to shift plenty of additional mulch onto the pathways

This task supported

The Haven offers people who have issues around their mental health and/or drug/alcohol misuse their own safe space where they can relax, socialise and be involved with activity's such as gardening,art,sculpture, woodworking and nature conservation.The Haven is a service user led project- everybody involved has the opportunity to plan,develop and maintain the project

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Friday Farm Frolics
🗓Today 8:00am

Our local community farm is tidier for the enjoyment of all

Jade CahillJason ThorneCharles PickeringCaroline
4 GoodGymers are going - 4 spaces left! 👀